Saturday, 31 March 2012

Ball State University

At Ball State, we’re more than just educators—we’re educational entrepreneurs. Combining top-flight talent with the top-notch resources Ball State has to offer, our students and faculty inject endless energy and creativity into what they teach and how they learn. The result—a university The Princeton Review calls one of the best in the Midwest.
Breadth + Focus
As a comprehensive university, Ball State offers a wealth of academic opportunities, including about 180 undergraduate majors and preprofessional programs and more than 100 master’s and doctoral degrees. And our programs in architecture, telecommunications, landscape architecture, education, entrepreneurship, and online master’s degree in nursing are consistently ranked among the best in the nation. That excellence is due to the quality of our faculty and their commitment to teaching. More than 90 percent of our classes are taught by professors. That’s almost unheard of at an institution of Ball State’s size.
Immersion + Exploration
Ball State believes that for an educational experience to be successful, it should be just that—an experience. So we’ve made a unique commitment to immersive learning programs that incorporate research, projects with community partners, and capstone experiences into the curriculum. Acting, musical theatre, and telecommunications students participate in talent showcases in New York, Chicago, and Los Angeles. Students in our entrepreneurship program face the ultimate pass or fail test—to graduate, they must pitch a business plan that a panel of experts deems viable.
Impact + Engagement
Ball State is an integral part of the community and economy of Muncie and Indiana. In addition to preparing the state’s entrepreneurs, teachers, health care providers, scientists, designers, artists, and media and technology professionals, Ball State conducts projects and research that drive innovation in the state. And our Building Better Communities initiative partners students and faculty with local leaders throughout the state on development projects that make Indiana a better place to live, work, and do business.
Technology + Innovation
Emerging media are deeply ingrained in Ball State’s academic and immersive learning experiences. We're home to the leading experts in the field, and we provide them with top-notch facilities to conduct truly groundbreaking research.
To continue our leadership in this area, Ball State is investing more than $20 million in ensuring that our students have access to innovative and entrepreneurial opportunities in emerging media across the curriculum. And our growing emphasis on new ideas, technology transfer, and commercialization provide the support faculty need to bring their ideas to market and benefit Indiana's economy.
Want to see more about Ball State? View our latest commercials.

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