PASADENA, Calif. -- A five-year survey of 200,000 galaxies, stretching back seven billion years in cosmic time, has led to one of the best independent confirmations that dark energy is driving our universe apart at accelerating speeds. The survey used data from NASA's space-based Galaxy Evolution Explorer and the Anglo-Australian Telescope on Siding Spring Mountain in Australia.
The findings offer new support for the favored theory of how dark energy works -- as a constant force, uniformly affecting the universe and propelling its runaway expansion. They contradict an alternate theory, where gravity, not dark energy, is the force pushing space apart. According to this alternate theory, with which the new survey results are not consistent, Albert Einstein's concept of gravity is wrong, and gravity becomes repulsive instead of attractive when acting at great distances.
"The action of dark energy is as if you threw a ball up in the air, and it kept speeding upward into the sky faster and faster," said Chris Blake of the Swinburne University of Technology in Melbourne, Australia. Blake is lead author of two papers describing the results that appeared in recent issues of the Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. "The results tell us that dark energy is a cosmological constant, as Einstein proposed. If gravity were the culprit, then we wouldn't be seeing these constant effects of dark energy throughout time."
Dark energy is thought to dominate our universe, making up about 74 percent of it. Dark matter, a slightly less mysterious substance, accounts for 22 percent. So-called normal matter, anything with atoms, or the stuff that makes up living creatures, planets and stars, is only approximately four percent of the cosmos.
The idea of dark energy was proposed during the previous decade, based on studies of distant exploding stars called supernovae. Supernovae emit constant, measurable light, making them so-called "standard candles," which allows calculation of their distance from Earth. Observations revealed dark energy was flinging the objects out at accelerating speeds.
Dark energy is in a tug-of-war contest with gravity. In the early universe, gravity took the lead, dominating dark energy. At about 8 billion years after the Big Bang, as space expanded and matter became diluted, gravitational attractions weakened and dark energy gained the upper hand. Billions of years from now, dark energy will be even more dominant. Astronomers predict our universe will be a cosmic wasteland, with galaxies spread apart so far that any intelligent beings living inside them wouldn't be able to see other galaxies.
The new survey provides two separate methods for independently checking the supernovae results. This is the first time astronomers performed these checks across the whole cosmic timespan dominated by dark energy. The team began by assembling the largest three-dimensional map of galaxies in the distant universe, spotted by the Galaxy Evolution Explorer. The ultraviolet-sensing telescope has scanned about three-quarters of the sky, observing hundreds of millions of galaxies.
"The Galaxy Evolution Explorer helped identify bright, young galaxies, which are ideal for this type of study," said Christopher Martin, principal investigator for the mission at the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena. "It provided the scaffolding for this enormous 3-D map."
The astronomers acquired detailed information about the light for each galaxy using the Anglo-Australian Telescope and studied the pattern of distance between them. Sound waves from the very early universe left imprints in the patterns of galaxies, causing pairs of galaxies to be separated by approximately 500 million light-years.
This "standard ruler" was used to determine the distance from the galaxy pairs to Earth -- the closer a galaxy pair is to us, the farther apart the galaxies will appear from each other on the sky. As with the supernovae studies, this distance data were combined with information about the speeds at which the pairs are moving away from us, revealing, yet again, the fabric of space is stretching apart faster and faster.
The team also used the galaxy map to study how clusters of galaxies grow over time like cities, eventually containing many thousands of galaxies. The clusters attract new galaxies through gravity, but dark energy tugs the clusters apart. It slows down the process, allowing scientists to measure dark energy's repulsive force.
"Observations by astronomers over the last 15 years have produced one of the most startling discoveries in physical science; the expansion of the universe, triggered by the Big Bang, is speeding up," said Jon Morse, astrophysics division director at NASA Headquarters in Washington. "Using entirely independent methods, data from the Galaxy Evolution Explorer have helped increase our confidence in the existence of dark energy."
Caltech leads the Galaxy Evolution Explorer mission and is responsible for science operations and data analysis. NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, manages the mission and built the science instrument. The mission was developed under NASA's Explorers Program managed by the Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Md. Researchers sponsored by Yonsei University in South Korea and the Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales (CNES) in France collaborated on this mission. Caltech manages JPL for NASA
Saturday, 31 March 2012
Gliese 581d: A Habitable Exoplanet?
Gliese 581d: A Habitable Exoplanet?
Source: CNRS press release
Alien Life
Posted: 05/20/11
Summary: A new computer model that simulates possible exoplanet climates indicates that the planet Gliese 581d might be warm enough to have oceans, clouds and rainfall. Gliese 581d is likely to be a rocky planet with a mass at least seven times that of Earth.
Schematic of the global climate model used to study Gliese 581d. Red / blue shading indicate hot / cold surface temperatures, while the arrows show wind velocities at 2 km height in the atmosphere. © LMD/CNRS Are there other planets inhabited like the Earth, or at least habitable? The discovery of the first habitable planet has become a quest for many astrophysicists who look for rocky planets in the “habitable zone” around stars, the range of distances in which planets are neither too cold nor too hot for life to flourish.
In this quest, the red dwarf star Gliese 581 has already received a huge amount of attention. In 2007, scientists reported the detection of two planets orbiting not far from the inner and outer edge of its habitable zone (Gliese 581d and Gliese 581c). While the more distant planet, Gliese 581d, was initially judged to be too cold for life, the closer-in planet, Gliese 581c, was thought to be potentially habitable by its discoverers. However, later analysis by atmospheric experts showed that if it had liquid oceans like Earth, they would rapidly evaporate in a 'runaway greenhouse' effect similar to that which gave Venus the hot, inhospitable climate it has today.
A new possibility emerged late in 2010, when a team of observers led by Steven Vogt at the University of California, Santa Cruz, announced that they had discovered a new planet, which they dubbed Gliese 581g, or 'Zarmina's World'. This planet, they claimed, had a mass similar to that of Earth and was close to the centre of the habitable zone. For several months, the discovery of the first potential Earth twin outside the Solar System seemed to have been achieved. Unfortunately, later analysis by independent teams has raised serious doubts on this extremely difficult detection. Many now believe that Gliese 581g may not exist at all. Instead, it may simply be a result of noise in the ultra-fine measurements of stellar 'wobble' needed to detect exoplanets in this system.
Surface temperature maps for simulations of Gliese 581d assuming an atmosphere of 20 bars of CO2 and varying rotation rates. It is currently unknown whether the planet rotates slowly or has permanent day and night sides. In all cases, the temperatures allow for the presence of liquid water on the surface. © LMD/CNRS It is Gliese 581g's big brother – the larger and more distant Gliese 581d - which has been shown to be the confirmed potentially habitable exoplanet by Robin Wordsworth, François Forget and co-workers from Laboratoire de Météorologie Dynamique (CNRS/UPMC/ENS/Ecole Polytechnique) at the Institute Pierre Simon Laplace in Paris, in collaboration with a researcher from the Laboratoire d'astrophysique de Bordeaux (CNRS/Université Bordeaux 1). Although it is likely to be a rocky planet, it has a mass at least seven times that of Earth, and is estimated to be about twice its size.
At first glance, Gliese 581d is a pretty poor candidate in the hunt for life: it receives less than a third of the stellar energy Earth does and may be tidally locked, with a permanent day and night side. After its discovery, it was generally believed that any atmosphere thick enough to keep the planet warm would become cold enough on the night side to freeze out entirely, ruining any prospects for a habitable climate.
To test whether this intuition was correct, Wordsworth and colleagues developed a new kind of computer model capable of accurately simulating possible exoplanet climates. The model simulates a planet's atmosphere and surface in three dimensions, rather like those used to study climate change on Earth. However, it is based on more fundamental physical principles, allowing the simulation of a much wider range of conditions than would otherwise be possible, including any atmospheric cocktail of gases, clouds and aerosols.
To their surprise, they found that with a dense carbon dioxide atmosphere - a likely scenario on such a large planet - the climate of Gliese 581d is not only stable against collapse, but warm enough to have oceans, clouds and rainfall. One of the key factors in their results was Rayleigh scattering, the phenomenon that makes the sky blue on Earth.
In the Solar System, Rayleigh scattering limits the amount of sunlight a thick atmosphere can absorb, because a large portion of the scattered blue light is immediately reflected back to space. However, as the starlight from Gliese 581 is red, it is almost unaffected. This means that it can penetrate much deeper into the atmosphere, where it heats the planet effectively due to the greenhouse effect of the CO2 atmosphere, combined with that of the carbon dioxide ice clouds predicted to form at high altitudes. Furthermore, the 3D circulation simulations showed that the daylight heating was efficiently redistributed across the planet by the atmosphere, preventing atmospheric collapse on the night side or at the poles.
This artist's concept illustrates a young, red dwarf star surrounded by three planets. Such stars are dimmer and smaller than yellow stars like our sun. Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech Scientists are particularly excited by the fact that at 20 light years from Earth, Gliese 581d is one of our closest galactic neighbours. For now, this is of limited use for budding interstellar colonists – the furthest-travelled man-made spacecraft, Voyager 1, would still take over 300,000 years to arrive there. However, it does mean that in the future telescopes will be able to detect the planet's atmosphere directly.
While Gliese 581d may be habitable there are other possibilities; it could have kept some atmospheric hydrogen, like Uranus and Neptune, or the fierce wind from its star during its infancy could even have torn its atmosphere away entirely. To distinguish between these different scenarios, Wordsworth and co-workers came up with several simple tests that observers will be able to perform in future with a sufficiently powerful telescope.
If Gliese 581d does turn out to be habitable, it would still be a pretty strange place to visit – the denser air and thick clouds would keep the surface in a perpetual murky red twilight, and its large mass means that surface gravity would be around double that on Earth. But the diversity of planetary climates in the galaxy is likely to be far wider than the few examples we are used to from the Solar System. In the long run, the most important implication of these results may be the idea that life-supporting planets do not in fact need to be particularly like the Earth at all.
Source: CNRS press release
Alien Life
Posted: 05/20/11
Summary: A new computer model that simulates possible exoplanet climates indicates that the planet Gliese 581d might be warm enough to have oceans, clouds and rainfall. Gliese 581d is likely to be a rocky planet with a mass at least seven times that of Earth.
Schematic of the global climate model used to study Gliese 581d. Red / blue shading indicate hot / cold surface temperatures, while the arrows show wind velocities at 2 km height in the atmosphere. © LMD/CNRS Are there other planets inhabited like the Earth, or at least habitable? The discovery of the first habitable planet has become a quest for many astrophysicists who look for rocky planets in the “habitable zone” around stars, the range of distances in which planets are neither too cold nor too hot for life to flourish.
In this quest, the red dwarf star Gliese 581 has already received a huge amount of attention. In 2007, scientists reported the detection of two planets orbiting not far from the inner and outer edge of its habitable zone (Gliese 581d and Gliese 581c). While the more distant planet, Gliese 581d, was initially judged to be too cold for life, the closer-in planet, Gliese 581c, was thought to be potentially habitable by its discoverers. However, later analysis by atmospheric experts showed that if it had liquid oceans like Earth, they would rapidly evaporate in a 'runaway greenhouse' effect similar to that which gave Venus the hot, inhospitable climate it has today.
A new possibility emerged late in 2010, when a team of observers led by Steven Vogt at the University of California, Santa Cruz, announced that they had discovered a new planet, which they dubbed Gliese 581g, or 'Zarmina's World'. This planet, they claimed, had a mass similar to that of Earth and was close to the centre of the habitable zone. For several months, the discovery of the first potential Earth twin outside the Solar System seemed to have been achieved. Unfortunately, later analysis by independent teams has raised serious doubts on this extremely difficult detection. Many now believe that Gliese 581g may not exist at all. Instead, it may simply be a result of noise in the ultra-fine measurements of stellar 'wobble' needed to detect exoplanets in this system.
Surface temperature maps for simulations of Gliese 581d assuming an atmosphere of 20 bars of CO2 and varying rotation rates. It is currently unknown whether the planet rotates slowly or has permanent day and night sides. In all cases, the temperatures allow for the presence of liquid water on the surface. © LMD/CNRS It is Gliese 581g's big brother – the larger and more distant Gliese 581d - which has been shown to be the confirmed potentially habitable exoplanet by Robin Wordsworth, François Forget and co-workers from Laboratoire de Météorologie Dynamique (CNRS/UPMC/ENS/Ecole Polytechnique) at the Institute Pierre Simon Laplace in Paris, in collaboration with a researcher from the Laboratoire d'astrophysique de Bordeaux (CNRS/Université Bordeaux 1). Although it is likely to be a rocky planet, it has a mass at least seven times that of Earth, and is estimated to be about twice its size.
At first glance, Gliese 581d is a pretty poor candidate in the hunt for life: it receives less than a third of the stellar energy Earth does and may be tidally locked, with a permanent day and night side. After its discovery, it was generally believed that any atmosphere thick enough to keep the planet warm would become cold enough on the night side to freeze out entirely, ruining any prospects for a habitable climate.
To test whether this intuition was correct, Wordsworth and colleagues developed a new kind of computer model capable of accurately simulating possible exoplanet climates. The model simulates a planet's atmosphere and surface in three dimensions, rather like those used to study climate change on Earth. However, it is based on more fundamental physical principles, allowing the simulation of a much wider range of conditions than would otherwise be possible, including any atmospheric cocktail of gases, clouds and aerosols.
To their surprise, they found that with a dense carbon dioxide atmosphere - a likely scenario on such a large planet - the climate of Gliese 581d is not only stable against collapse, but warm enough to have oceans, clouds and rainfall. One of the key factors in their results was Rayleigh scattering, the phenomenon that makes the sky blue on Earth.
In the Solar System, Rayleigh scattering limits the amount of sunlight a thick atmosphere can absorb, because a large portion of the scattered blue light is immediately reflected back to space. However, as the starlight from Gliese 581 is red, it is almost unaffected. This means that it can penetrate much deeper into the atmosphere, where it heats the planet effectively due to the greenhouse effect of the CO2 atmosphere, combined with that of the carbon dioxide ice clouds predicted to form at high altitudes. Furthermore, the 3D circulation simulations showed that the daylight heating was efficiently redistributed across the planet by the atmosphere, preventing atmospheric collapse on the night side or at the poles.
This artist's concept illustrates a young, red dwarf star surrounded by three planets. Such stars are dimmer and smaller than yellow stars like our sun. Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech Scientists are particularly excited by the fact that at 20 light years from Earth, Gliese 581d is one of our closest galactic neighbours. For now, this is of limited use for budding interstellar colonists – the furthest-travelled man-made spacecraft, Voyager 1, would still take over 300,000 years to arrive there. However, it does mean that in the future telescopes will be able to detect the planet's atmosphere directly.
While Gliese 581d may be habitable there are other possibilities; it could have kept some atmospheric hydrogen, like Uranus and Neptune, or the fierce wind from its star during its infancy could even have torn its atmosphere away entirely. To distinguish between these different scenarios, Wordsworth and co-workers came up with several simple tests that observers will be able to perform in future with a sufficiently powerful telescope.
If Gliese 581d does turn out to be habitable, it would still be a pretty strange place to visit – the denser air and thick clouds would keep the surface in a perpetual murky red twilight, and its large mass means that surface gravity would be around double that on Earth. But the diversity of planetary climates in the galaxy is likely to be far wider than the few examples we are used to from the Solar System. In the long run, the most important implication of these results may be the idea that life-supporting planets do not in fact need to be particularly like the Earth at all.
Local Scientists Produce First Aerogel in Space
First Space-Produced Aerogel Made on Space Sciences Laboratory Rocket Flight
June 19, 1996: Aerogel is the lightest solid known to mankind, with only three times the density of air. A block the size of a human weighs less than a pound. Because of its amazing insulating properties, an inch-thick slab can safely shield the human hand from the heat of a blowtorch. A sugar-cubed size portion of the material has the internal surface area of a basketball court. As the only known transparent insulator, Aerogel is a supercritically dried gel sometimes referred to as "frozen smoke".
On April 3, 1996, the first space-produced samples of aerogels were produced by NASA on a flight of a starfire rocket. The production of such materials in space is interesting because of the strong influence of gravity on how a gel is formed. Comparison of gels manufactured in space and on the ground have shown large differences, and the production of gels in space can provide a higher-quality product with a more uniform structure.
Chemical Engineering Progress (June 1995, p 14) described "the holy grail of aerogel applications has been developing invisible insulation for use between window panes." The production of insulating and transparent windows through aerogel manufacturing in space can develop into a substantial market for residential and commercial applications. The excellent thermal properties and transparent nature of silica aerogel make it an obvious choice for super-insulating windows, skylights, solar collector covers, and specialty windows.
June 19, 1996: Aerogel is the lightest solid known to mankind, with only three times the density of air. A block the size of a human weighs less than a pound. Because of its amazing insulating properties, an inch-thick slab can safely shield the human hand from the heat of a blowtorch. A sugar-cubed size portion of the material has the internal surface area of a basketball court. As the only known transparent insulator, Aerogel is a supercritically dried gel sometimes referred to as "frozen smoke".
On April 3, 1996, the first space-produced samples of aerogels were produced by NASA on a flight of a starfire rocket. The production of such materials in space is interesting because of the strong influence of gravity on how a gel is formed. Comparison of gels manufactured in space and on the ground have shown large differences, and the production of gels in space can provide a higher-quality product with a more uniform structure.
Chemical Engineering Progress (June 1995, p 14) described "the holy grail of aerogel applications has been developing invisible insulation for use between window panes." The production of insulating and transparent windows through aerogel manufacturing in space can develop into a substantial market for residential and commercial applications. The excellent thermal properties and transparent nature of silica aerogel make it an obvious choice for super-insulating windows, skylights, solar collector covers, and specialty windows.
Space Sciences Laboratory Hosts Bill Nye, the Science Guy
October 16, 1996
This week, the Marshall Space Flight Center and the Space Sciences Laboratory are hosting Bill Nye, The Science Guy, as their crew from Seattle films for an upcoming episode of the PBS television series. Taping in SSL will occur on Wednesday, October 16 and Thursday, October 17.
Areas of science from the laboratory that will be featured on an upcoming episode of Bill Nye include Aerogel, "cool telescopes" such as BATSE and the AXAF Calibration Facility, the SSL Solar Vector Magnetograph, and the 105-meter drop tube for microgravity experimentation.
The program will also feature a dive in the Marshall Neutral Buoyancy Simulator, the large tank in which the Hubble Space Telescope repair missions are rehearsed by astronauts, as well as a visit to the Space Station Assembly facility.
This week, the Marshall Space Flight Center and the Space Sciences Laboratory are hosting Bill Nye, The Science Guy, as their crew from Seattle films for an upcoming episode of the PBS television series. Taping in SSL will occur on Wednesday, October 16 and Thursday, October 17.
Areas of science from the laboratory that will be featured on an upcoming episode of Bill Nye include Aerogel, "cool telescopes" such as BATSE and the AXAF Calibration Facility, the SSL Solar Vector Magnetograph, and the 105-meter drop tube for microgravity experimentation.
The program will also feature a dive in the Marshall Neutral Buoyancy Simulator, the large tank in which the Hubble Space Telescope repair missions are rehearsed by astronauts, as well as a visit to the Space Station Assembly facility.
First Space-Produced Aerogel Made on Space Sciences Laboratory Rocket Flight
October 8, 1996: Results are now beginning to become available from the April 3, 1996 rocket flight to produce the first space-made Aerogel. As described in the June 19, 1996 Aerogel Headline , Aerogel is the lightest solid known to mankind, with only three times the density of air. Aerogel, because of its appearence is sometimes referred to as "frozen smoke". Aerogel produced on the ground typically displays a blue haze or has a slight cloudiness to its appearence. This feature is believed to be caused by impurities and variations in the size of small pores in the Aerogel material. Scientists are trying to eliminate this haze so that the insulator might be used in window panes and other applications where transparency is important.
The Aerogel made aboard the flight of the Starfire Rocket in April has indicated that gravity effects in samples of the material made on the ground may be responsible for the adverse pore sizes and thus account for the lack of transparency. Both the diameter and volume of the pores in the space-made Aerogel appear to be between 4 and 5 times better than otherwise identically formulated ground samples. Because Aerogels are the only known transparent insulator, with typical heat conduction properties that are five times better than the next best alternative, a number of novel applications are foreseen in high performance Aerogels.
The Aerogel made aboard the flight of the Starfire Rocket in April has indicated that gravity effects in samples of the material made on the ground may be responsible for the adverse pore sizes and thus account for the lack of transparency. Both the diameter and volume of the pores in the space-made Aerogel appear to be between 4 and 5 times better than otherwise identically formulated ground samples. Because Aerogels are the only known transparent insulator, with typical heat conduction properties that are five times better than the next best alternative, a number of novel applications are foreseen in high performance Aerogels.
Fall Science Meeting Highlights Tethered Satellite Results
October 15, 1996
Scientists attending the Fall 1996 meeting of the American Geophysical Union will be treated to three special sessions covering scientific results obtained from the reflight of the Tethered Satellite System (TSS-1R). The conference will take place on December 18 and 19 in San Francisco, California.
The TSS-1R science mission was conducted on space shuttle flight STS-75 at the end of February 1996. During the flight, the Tethered Satellite was deployed to a distance of 12.3 miles (19.7 km) and science data was collected aboard the satellite, the space-shuttle orbiter, and from a network of ground stations monitoring the earth's ionosphere.
Five hours of tethered operation yielded a rich scientific data set. These data include tether current and voltage measurements, plasma particle and wave measurements, and visual observations for a variety of pre-planned science objectives. During the flight the conducting tether connecting the Orbiter to the satellite was severed, and large currents were observed to be flowing between the satellite and the Orbiter during the break event.
Further scientific data were obtained from the instruments on the satellite after the break, when the science and NASA support teams were able to capture telemetry from the satellite during the overflight of NASA tracking stations.
One important finding from TSS-1R has been the high level of current collected by the satellite at relatively low voltage throughout the deployed phase of the mission. Surprisingly large currents were also observed during the tether break and gas releases, indicating important new physics at play. The three Tethered Satellite sessions at the AGU meeting will cover the results of data analysis from the mission, important supporting physics insights from laboratory experiments, theoretical and numerical modeling of current collection during the mission, and the conclusions of recent studies on the future use of tethers for science in space.
Scientists attending the Fall 1996 meeting of the American Geophysical Union will be treated to three special sessions covering scientific results obtained from the reflight of the Tethered Satellite System (TSS-1R). The conference will take place on December 18 and 19 in San Francisco, California.
The TSS-1R science mission was conducted on space shuttle flight STS-75 at the end of February 1996. During the flight, the Tethered Satellite was deployed to a distance of 12.3 miles (19.7 km) and science data was collected aboard the satellite, the space-shuttle orbiter, and from a network of ground stations monitoring the earth's ionosphere.
Five hours of tethered operation yielded a rich scientific data set. These data include tether current and voltage measurements, plasma particle and wave measurements, and visual observations for a variety of pre-planned science objectives. During the flight the conducting tether connecting the Orbiter to the satellite was severed, and large currents were observed to be flowing between the satellite and the Orbiter during the break event.
Further scientific data were obtained from the instruments on the satellite after the break, when the science and NASA support teams were able to capture telemetry from the satellite during the overflight of NASA tracking stations.
One important finding from TSS-1R has been the high level of current collected by the satellite at relatively low voltage throughout the deployed phase of the mission. Surprisingly large currents were also observed during the tether break and gas releases, indicating important new physics at play. The three Tethered Satellite sessions at the AGU meeting will cover the results of data analysis from the mission, important supporting physics insights from laboratory experiments, theoretical and numerical modeling of current collection during the mission, and the conclusions of recent studies on the future use of tethers for science in space.
Unique telescope to open the X(-ray) Files
Artist's concept of AXAF in orbit., The nested mirrors are at center behind the dotted circles.
The finest set of mirrors ever built for X-ray astronomy has arrived at NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center for several weeks of calibration before being assembled into a telescope for launch in late 1998.
The High-Resolution Mirror Assembly (HRMA), as it is known, will be the heart of the Advanced X-ray Astrophysics Facility (AXAF) which is managed by Marshall Space Flight Center. HRMA was built by Eastman Kodak and Hughes Danbury Optical Systems. In 1997-98, they will be assembled by TRW Defense and Space Systems into the AXAF spacecraft. AXAF is designed to give astronomers as clear a view of the universe in X-rays as they now have in visible light through the Hubble Space Telescope.
Indeed, one of the Hubble's recent discoveries may move near the top of the list of things to do for AXAF. Hubble recently discovered that some quasars reside within quite ordinary galaxies. Quasars (quasi-stellar objects) are unusually energetic objects which emit up to 1,000 times as much energy as an entire galaxy, but from a volume about the size of our solar system.
More clues to what is happening inside quasars may lie in the X-rays emitted by the most violent forces in the universe.
Before AXAF can embark on that mission, though, its mirrors must be measured with great precision so astronomers will know the exact shape and quality of the mirrors. Then, once the telescope is in space, they will be able to tell when they discover unusual objects, and be able to measure exactly how unusual.
These measurements will be done in Marshall's X-ray Calibration Facility, the world's largest, over the next few weeks.
AXAF will use four sets of mirrors, each set nested inside the other, to focus X-rays by grazing incidence reflection, the same principle that makes sunlight glare off clear windshields. AXAF's smallest mirror - 63 cm (24.8 in.) in diameter - is larger than the biggest - 58 cm (22.8 in.) flown on the Einstein observatory (HEAO-2) in 1978-81.
Mapping the details of the mirror will start with an X-ray source pretty much like what a dentist uses to check your teeth. But that's next week's story.
The finest set of mirrors ever built for X-ray astronomy has arrived at NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center for several weeks of calibration before being assembled into a telescope for launch in late 1998.
The High-Resolution Mirror Assembly (HRMA), as it is known, will be the heart of the Advanced X-ray Astrophysics Facility (AXAF) which is managed by Marshall Space Flight Center. HRMA was built by Eastman Kodak and Hughes Danbury Optical Systems. In 1997-98, they will be assembled by TRW Defense and Space Systems into the AXAF spacecraft. AXAF is designed to give astronomers as clear a view of the universe in X-rays as they now have in visible light through the Hubble Space Telescope.
Indeed, one of the Hubble's recent discoveries may move near the top of the list of things to do for AXAF. Hubble recently discovered that some quasars reside within quite ordinary galaxies. Quasars (quasi-stellar objects) are unusually energetic objects which emit up to 1,000 times as much energy as an entire galaxy, but from a volume about the size of our solar system.
More clues to what is happening inside quasars may lie in the X-rays emitted by the most violent forces in the universe.
Before AXAF can embark on that mission, though, its mirrors must be measured with great precision so astronomers will know the exact shape and quality of the mirrors. Then, once the telescope is in space, they will be able to tell when they discover unusual objects, and be able to measure exactly how unusual.
These measurements will be done in Marshall's X-ray Calibration Facility, the world's largest, over the next few weeks.
AXAF will use four sets of mirrors, each set nested inside the other, to focus X-rays by grazing incidence reflection, the same principle that makes sunlight glare off clear windshields. AXAF's smallest mirror - 63 cm (24.8 in.) in diameter - is larger than the biggest - 58 cm (22.8 in.) flown on the Einstein observatory (HEAO-2) in 1978-81.
Mapping the details of the mirror will start with an X-ray source pretty much like what a dentist uses to check your teeth. But that's next week's story.
Free-Floating Planets May Be More Common Than Stars
May 18, 2011: Astronomers have discovered a new class of Jupiter-sized planets floating alone in the dark of space, away from the light of a star. The team believes these lone worlds are probably outcasts from developing planetary systems and, moreover, they could be twice as numerous as the stars themselves.
"Although free-floating planets have been predicted, they finally have been detected," said Mario Perez, exoplanet program scientist at NASA Headquarters in Washington. "[This has] major implications for models of planetary formation and evolution."
The discovery is based on a joint Japan-New Zealand survey that scanned the center of the Milky Way galaxy during 2006 and 2007, revealing evidence for up to 10 free-floating planets roughly the mass of Jupiter. The isolated orbs, also known as orphan planets, are difficult to spot, and had gone undetected until now. The planets are located at an average approximate distance of 10,000 to 20,000 light years from Earth.
This artist's concept illustrates a Jupiter-like planet alone in the dark of space, floating freely without a parent star. [larger image] [video]
This could be just the tip of the iceberg. The team estimates there are about twice as many free-floating Jupiter-mass planets as stars. In addition, these worlds are thought to be at least as common as planets that orbit stars. This adds up to hundreds of billions of lone planets in our Milky Way galaxy alone.
"Our survey is like a population census," said David Bennett, a NASA and National Science Foundation-funded co-author of the study from the University of Notre Dame in South Bend, Ind. "We sampled a portion of the galaxy, and based on these data, can estimate overall numbers in the galaxy."
The study, led by Takahiro Sumi from Osaka University in Japan, appears in the May 19 issue of the journal Nature. The survey is not sensitive to planets smaller than Jupiter and Saturn, but theories suggest lower-mass planets like Earth should be ejected from their stars more often. As a result, they are thought to be more common than free-floating Jupiters.
Previous observations spotted a handful of free-floating planet-like objects within star-forming clusters, with masses three times that of Jupiter. But scientists suspect the gaseous bodies form more like stars than planets. These small, dim orbs, called brown dwarfs, grow from collapsing balls of gas and dust, but lack the mass to ignite their nuclear fuel and shine with starlight. It is thought the smallest brown dwarfs are approximately the size of large planets.
A video from JPL describes the microlensing technique astronomers used to detect the orphan planets.
On the other hand, it is likely that some planets are ejected from their early, turbulent solar systems, due to close gravitational encounters with other planets or stars. Without a star to circle, these planets would move through the galaxy as our sun and others stars do, in stable orbits around the galaxy's center. The discovery of 10 free-floating Jupiters supports the ejection scenario, though it's possible both mechanisms are at play.
"If free-floating planets formed like stars, then we would have expected to see only one or two of them in our survey instead of 10," Bennett said. "Our results suggest that planetary systems often become unstable, with planets being kicked out from their places of birth."
The observations cannot rule out the possibility that some of these planets may be in orbit around distant stars, but other research indicates Jupiter-mass planets in such distant orbits are rare.
The survey, the Microlensing Observations in Astrophysics (MOA), is named in part after a giant wingless, extinct bird family from New Zealand called the moa. A 5.9-foot (1.8-meter) telescope at Mount John University Observatory in New Zealand is used to regularly scan the copious stars at the center of our galaxy for gravitational microlensing events. These occur when something, such as a star or planet, passes in front of another more distant star. The passing body's gravity warps the light of the background star, causing it to magnify and brighten. Heftier passing bodies, like massive stars, will warp the light of the background star to a greater extent,resulting in brightening events that can last weeks. Small planet-size bodies will cause less of a distortion, and brighten a star for only a few days or less.
A second microlensing survey group, the Optical Gravitational Lensing Experiment (OGLE), contributed to this discovery using a 4.2-foot (1.3 meter) telescope in Chile. The OGLE group also observed many of the same events, and their observations independently confirmed the analysis of the MOA group.
"Although free-floating planets have been predicted, they finally have been detected," said Mario Perez, exoplanet program scientist at NASA Headquarters in Washington. "[This has] major implications for models of planetary formation and evolution."
The discovery is based on a joint Japan-New Zealand survey that scanned the center of the Milky Way galaxy during 2006 and 2007, revealing evidence for up to 10 free-floating planets roughly the mass of Jupiter. The isolated orbs, also known as orphan planets, are difficult to spot, and had gone undetected until now. The planets are located at an average approximate distance of 10,000 to 20,000 light years from Earth.
This artist's concept illustrates a Jupiter-like planet alone in the dark of space, floating freely without a parent star. [larger image] [video]
This could be just the tip of the iceberg. The team estimates there are about twice as many free-floating Jupiter-mass planets as stars. In addition, these worlds are thought to be at least as common as planets that orbit stars. This adds up to hundreds of billions of lone planets in our Milky Way galaxy alone.
"Our survey is like a population census," said David Bennett, a NASA and National Science Foundation-funded co-author of the study from the University of Notre Dame in South Bend, Ind. "We sampled a portion of the galaxy, and based on these data, can estimate overall numbers in the galaxy."
The study, led by Takahiro Sumi from Osaka University in Japan, appears in the May 19 issue of the journal Nature. The survey is not sensitive to planets smaller than Jupiter and Saturn, but theories suggest lower-mass planets like Earth should be ejected from their stars more often. As a result, they are thought to be more common than free-floating Jupiters.
Previous observations spotted a handful of free-floating planet-like objects within star-forming clusters, with masses three times that of Jupiter. But scientists suspect the gaseous bodies form more like stars than planets. These small, dim orbs, called brown dwarfs, grow from collapsing balls of gas and dust, but lack the mass to ignite their nuclear fuel and shine with starlight. It is thought the smallest brown dwarfs are approximately the size of large planets.
A video from JPL describes the microlensing technique astronomers used to detect the orphan planets.
On the other hand, it is likely that some planets are ejected from their early, turbulent solar systems, due to close gravitational encounters with other planets or stars. Without a star to circle, these planets would move through the galaxy as our sun and others stars do, in stable orbits around the galaxy's center. The discovery of 10 free-floating Jupiters supports the ejection scenario, though it's possible both mechanisms are at play.
"If free-floating planets formed like stars, then we would have expected to see only one or two of them in our survey instead of 10," Bennett said. "Our results suggest that planetary systems often become unstable, with planets being kicked out from their places of birth."
The observations cannot rule out the possibility that some of these planets may be in orbit around distant stars, but other research indicates Jupiter-mass planets in such distant orbits are rare.
The survey, the Microlensing Observations in Astrophysics (MOA), is named in part after a giant wingless, extinct bird family from New Zealand called the moa. A 5.9-foot (1.8-meter) telescope at Mount John University Observatory in New Zealand is used to regularly scan the copious stars at the center of our galaxy for gravitational microlensing events. These occur when something, such as a star or planet, passes in front of another more distant star. The passing body's gravity warps the light of the background star, causing it to magnify and brighten. Heftier passing bodies, like massive stars, will warp the light of the background star to a greater extent,resulting in brightening events that can last weeks. Small planet-size bodies will cause less of a distortion, and brighten a star for only a few days or less.
A second microlensing survey group, the Optical Gravitational Lensing Experiment (OGLE), contributed to this discovery using a 4.2-foot (1.3 meter) telescope in Chile. The OGLE group also observed many of the same events, and their observations independently confirmed the analysis of the MOA group.
Super Storm on Saturn
May 19, 2011: NASA's Cassini spacecraft and a European Southern Observatory ground-based telescope are tracking the growth of a giant early-spring storm in Saturn's northern hemisphere so powerful that it stretches around the entire planet. The rare storm has been wreaking havoc for months and shooting plumes of gas high into the planet's atmosphere.
This false-color infrared image shows clouds of large ammonia ice particles dredged up by the powerful storm. Credit: Cassini. [more]
"Nothing on Earth comes close to this powerful storm," says Leigh Fletcher, a Cassini team scientist at the University of Oxford in the United Kingdom, and lead author of a study that appeared in this week's edition of Science Magazine. "A storm like this is rare. This is only the sixth one to be recorded since 1876, and the last was way back in 1990."
Cassini's radio and plasma wave science instrument first detected the large disturbance in December 2010, and amateur astronomers have been watching it ever since through backyard telescopes. As it rapidly expanded, the storm's core developed into a giant, powerful thunderstorm, producing a 3,000-mile-wide (5,000-kilometer-wide) dark vortex possibly similar to Jupiter's Great Red Spot.
This is the first major storm on Saturn observed by an orbiting spacecraft and studied at thermal infrared wavelengths. Infrared observations are key because heat tells researchers a great deal about conditions inside the storm, including temperatures, winds, and atmospheric composition. Temperature data were provided by the Very Large Telescope (VLT) on Cerro Paranal in Chile and Cassini's composite infrared spectrometer (CIRS), operated by NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Md.
"Our new observations show that the storm had a major effect on the atmosphere, transporting energy and material over great distances -- creating meandering jet streams and forming giant vortices -- and disrupting Saturn's seasonal [weather patterns]," said Glenn Orton, a paper co-author, based at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, Calif.
The violence of the storm -- the strongest disturbances ever detected in Saturn's stratosphere -- took researchers by surprise. What started as an ordinary disturbance deep in Saturn's atmosphere punched through the planet's serene cloud cover to roil the high layer known as the stratosphere.
Thermal infrared images of Saturn from the Very Large Telescope Imager and Spectrometer for the mid-Infrared (VISIR) instrument on the European Southern Observatory's Very Large Telescope, on Cerro Paranal, Chile, appear at center and on the right. An amateur visible-light image from Trevor Barry, of Broken Hill, Australia, appears on the left. The images were obtained on Jan. 19, 2011. [more]
"On Earth, the lower stratosphere is where commercial airplanes generally fly to avoid storms which can cause turbulence," says Brigette Hesman, a scientist at the University of Maryland in College Park who works on the CIRS team at Goddard and is the second author on the paper. "If you were flying in an airplane on Saturn, this storm would reach so high up, it would probably be impossible to avoid it."
A separate analysis using Cassini's visual and infrared mapping spectrometer, led by Kevin Baines of JPL, confirmed the storm is very violent, dredging up deep material in volumes several times larger than previous storms. Other Cassini scientists are studying the evolving storm and, they say, a more extensive picture will emerge soon
This false-color infrared image shows clouds of large ammonia ice particles dredged up by the powerful storm. Credit: Cassini. [more]
"Nothing on Earth comes close to this powerful storm," says Leigh Fletcher, a Cassini team scientist at the University of Oxford in the United Kingdom, and lead author of a study that appeared in this week's edition of Science Magazine. "A storm like this is rare. This is only the sixth one to be recorded since 1876, and the last was way back in 1990."
Cassini's radio and plasma wave science instrument first detected the large disturbance in December 2010, and amateur astronomers have been watching it ever since through backyard telescopes. As it rapidly expanded, the storm's core developed into a giant, powerful thunderstorm, producing a 3,000-mile-wide (5,000-kilometer-wide) dark vortex possibly similar to Jupiter's Great Red Spot.
This is the first major storm on Saturn observed by an orbiting spacecraft and studied at thermal infrared wavelengths. Infrared observations are key because heat tells researchers a great deal about conditions inside the storm, including temperatures, winds, and atmospheric composition. Temperature data were provided by the Very Large Telescope (VLT) on Cerro Paranal in Chile and Cassini's composite infrared spectrometer (CIRS), operated by NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Md.
"Our new observations show that the storm had a major effect on the atmosphere, transporting energy and material over great distances -- creating meandering jet streams and forming giant vortices -- and disrupting Saturn's seasonal [weather patterns]," said Glenn Orton, a paper co-author, based at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, Calif.
The violence of the storm -- the strongest disturbances ever detected in Saturn's stratosphere -- took researchers by surprise. What started as an ordinary disturbance deep in Saturn's atmosphere punched through the planet's serene cloud cover to roil the high layer known as the stratosphere.
Thermal infrared images of Saturn from the Very Large Telescope Imager and Spectrometer for the mid-Infrared (VISIR) instrument on the European Southern Observatory's Very Large Telescope, on Cerro Paranal, Chile, appear at center and on the right. An amateur visible-light image from Trevor Barry, of Broken Hill, Australia, appears on the left. The images were obtained on Jan. 19, 2011. [more]
"On Earth, the lower stratosphere is where commercial airplanes generally fly to avoid storms which can cause turbulence," says Brigette Hesman, a scientist at the University of Maryland in College Park who works on the CIRS team at Goddard and is the second author on the paper. "If you were flying in an airplane on Saturn, this storm would reach so high up, it would probably be impossible to avoid it."
A separate analysis using Cassini's visual and infrared mapping spectrometer, led by Kevin Baines of JPL, confirmed the storm is very violent, dredging up deep material in volumes several times larger than previous storms. Other Cassini scientists are studying the evolving storm and, they say, a more extensive picture will emerge soon
Solar Storm Warning
March 10, 2006: It's official: Solar minimum has arrived. Sunspots have all but vanished. Solar flares are nonexistent. The sun is utterly quiet.
Like the quiet before a storm.
This week researchers announced that a storm is coming--the most intense solar maximum in fifty years. The prediction comes from a team led by Mausumi Dikpati of the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR). "The next sunspot cycle will be 30% to 50% stronger than the previous one," she says. If correct, the years ahead could produce a burst of solar activity second only to the historic Solar Max of 1958.
That was a solar maximum. The Space Age was just beginning: Sputnik was launched in Oct. 1957 and Explorer 1 (the first US satellite) in Jan. 1958. In 1958 you couldn't tell that a solar storm was underway by looking at the bars on your cell phone; cell phones didn't exist. Even so, people knew something big was happening when Northern Lights were sighted three times in Mexico. A similar maximum now would be noticed by its effect on cell phones, GPS, weather satellites and many other modern technologies.
Right: Intense auroras over Fairbanks, Alaska, in 1958
Like the quiet before a storm.
This week researchers announced that a storm is coming--the most intense solar maximum in fifty years. The prediction comes from a team led by Mausumi Dikpati of the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR). "The next sunspot cycle will be 30% to 50% stronger than the previous one," she says. If correct, the years ahead could produce a burst of solar activity second only to the historic Solar Max of 1958.
That was a solar maximum. The Space Age was just beginning: Sputnik was launched in Oct. 1957 and Explorer 1 (the first US satellite) in Jan. 1958. In 1958 you couldn't tell that a solar storm was underway by looking at the bars on your cell phone; cell phones didn't exist. Even so, people knew something big was happening when Northern Lights were sighted three times in Mexico. A similar maximum now would be noticed by its effect on cell phones, GPS, weather satellites and many other modern technologies.
Right: Intense auroras over Fairbanks, Alaska, in 1958
NASA Events
Review: Eee Pad tablet transforms into laptop
(AP) -- The tablet computers that compete with the iPad have mostly been uninspiring. The Eee Pad Transformer stands out with a design that isn't just copied from the iPad: It's a tablet that turns into a
(AP) -- The tablet computers that compete with the iPad have mostly been uninspiring. The Eee Pad Transformer stands out with a design that isn't just copied from the iPad: It's a tablet that turns into a
Google Music: Definitely beta
Google has been accused of overusing the "beta" tag on products it releases early. But with its new music service - Music - the beta tag is mandatory. It's still pretty raw, judging from my experience with it today.
Microsoft trying to take another bite of the Apple?
t was recently announced that Apple, assessed at $150 billion, surpassed Google as the world’s most valuable brand. This comes a year after overtaking Microsoft as the globe’s most valuable technology ...
"Advanced computer techniques allow us to combine data from the individual telescopes to yield images with the sharpness of a single giant telescope, one nearly as large as Earth itself," said Roopesh Ojha at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Md.
The enormous energy output of galaxies like Cen A comes from gas falling toward a black hole weighing millions of times the sun's mass. Through processes not fully understood, some of this infalling matter is ejected in opposing jets at a substantial fraction of the speed of light. Detailed views of the jet's structure will help astronomers determine how they form.
The jets strongly interact with surrounding gas, at times possibly changing a galaxy's rate of star formation. Jets play an important but poorly understood role in the formation and evolution of galaxies.
Left: The giant elliptical galaxy NGC 5128 is the radio source known as Centaurus A. Vast radio-emitting lobes (shown as orange in this optical/radio composite) extend nearly a million light-years from the galaxy. Credit: Capella Observatory (optical), with radio data from Ilana Feain, Tim Cornwell, and Ron Ekers (CSIRO/ATNF), R. Morganti (ASTRON), and N. Junkes (MPIfR). Right: The radio image from the TANAMI project provides the sharpest-ever view of a supermassive black hole's jets. This view reveals the inner 4.16 light-years of the jet and counterjet, a span less than the distance between our sun and the nearest star. The image resolves details as small as 15 light-days across. Undetected between the jets is the galaxy's 55-million-solar-mass black hole. Credit: Credit: NASA/TANAMI/Müller et al.
NASA's Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope has detected much higher-energy radiation from Cen A's central region. "This radiation is billions of times more energetic than the radio waves we detect, and exactly where it originates remains a mystery," said Matthias Kadler at the University of Wuerzburg in Germany and a collaborator of Ojha. "With TANAMI, we hope to probe the galaxy's innermost depths to find out."
Ojha is funded through a Fermi investigation on multiwavelength studies of Active Galactic Nuclei.
The astronomers credit continuing improvements in the Australian Long Baseline Array (LBA) with TANAMI's enormously increased image quality and resolution. The project augments the LBA with telescopes in South Africa, Chile and Antarctica to explore the brightest galactic jets in the southern sky.
The enormous energy output of galaxies like Cen A comes from gas falling toward a black hole weighing millions of times the sun's mass. Through processes not fully understood, some of this infalling matter is ejected in opposing jets at a substantial fraction of the speed of light. Detailed views of the jet's structure will help astronomers determine how they form.
The jets strongly interact with surrounding gas, at times possibly changing a galaxy's rate of star formation. Jets play an important but poorly understood role in the formation and evolution of galaxies.
Left: The giant elliptical galaxy NGC 5128 is the radio source known as Centaurus A. Vast radio-emitting lobes (shown as orange in this optical/radio composite) extend nearly a million light-years from the galaxy. Credit: Capella Observatory (optical), with radio data from Ilana Feain, Tim Cornwell, and Ron Ekers (CSIRO/ATNF), R. Morganti (ASTRON), and N. Junkes (MPIfR). Right: The radio image from the TANAMI project provides the sharpest-ever view of a supermassive black hole's jets. This view reveals the inner 4.16 light-years of the jet and counterjet, a span less than the distance between our sun and the nearest star. The image resolves details as small as 15 light-days across. Undetected between the jets is the galaxy's 55-million-solar-mass black hole. Credit: Credit: NASA/TANAMI/Müller et al.
NASA's Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope has detected much higher-energy radiation from Cen A's central region. "This radiation is billions of times more energetic than the radio waves we detect, and exactly where it originates remains a mystery," said Matthias Kadler at the University of Wuerzburg in Germany and a collaborator of Ojha. "With TANAMI, we hope to probe the galaxy's innermost depths to find out."
Ojha is funded through a Fermi investigation on multiwavelength studies of Active Galactic Nuclei.
The astronomers credit continuing improvements in the Australian Long Baseline Array (LBA) with TANAMI's enormously increased image quality and resolution. The project augments the LBA with telescopes in South Africa, Chile and Antarctica to explore the brightest galactic jets in the southern sky.
Gaming and Graphics Applications
Gaming and Graphics Applications
Gaming and graphics are the performance applications for processors and memory. As such, leading-edge technology debuts here and eventually migrates to mainstream computing, mobile, and consumer electronics applications over time. State-of-the-art GPUs deliver functionality including photorealistic game characters and environments, support for multiple simultaneous displays, 3D image processing and video output, and full HD 1080p resolution. In order to support this functionality, the number of graphics processor cores and transistor counts per chip are skyrocketing. High-end GPUs have over 2 billion transistors and more than 1000 graphics processor cores up from less than 100 just 5 years ago.
Historically, these performance increases have come with a commensurate rise in power consumption. However, because of thermal, power supply and cost constraints that trend cannot continue. Top-of-the-line dual-GPU graphics cards and game consoles can draw as much as 300 watts (W) of power and must allocate a significant portion of the bill-of-materials (BOM) for the cooling system. While demand for higher performance will be ever present, power efficiency will increasingly become a first-order requirement.
GPU’s must also be scalable to support a broad range of performance levels and price points. Although they are the performance drivers, high-end graphics cards make up only a small percentage of the overall market. A single GPU platform must be configurable through the use of multiple memory types, or a single memory with a wide performance range.
The combination of these factors puts tremendous demands on the graphics memory system. Bandwidth requirements for next-generation gaming and graphics systems will exceed 500 gigabytes per second (GB/s). Meanwhile the total power budget must remain constant or even decrease. Similarly, price points must remain essentially unchanged for each of the respective performance segments.
Gaming and graphics are the performance applications for processors and memory. As such, leading-edge technology debuts here and eventually migrates to mainstream computing, mobile, and consumer electronics applications over time. State-of-the-art GPUs deliver functionality including photorealistic game characters and environments, support for multiple simultaneous displays, 3D image processing and video output, and full HD 1080p resolution. In order to support this functionality, the number of graphics processor cores and transistor counts per chip are skyrocketing. High-end GPUs have over 2 billion transistors and more than 1000 graphics processor cores up from less than 100 just 5 years ago.
Historically, these performance increases have come with a commensurate rise in power consumption. However, because of thermal, power supply and cost constraints that trend cannot continue. Top-of-the-line dual-GPU graphics cards and game consoles can draw as much as 300 watts (W) of power and must allocate a significant portion of the bill-of-materials (BOM) for the cooling system. While demand for higher performance will be ever present, power efficiency will increasingly become a first-order requirement.
GPU’s must also be scalable to support a broad range of performance levels and price points. Although they are the performance drivers, high-end graphics cards make up only a small percentage of the overall market. A single GPU platform must be configurable through the use of multiple memory types, or a single memory with a wide performance range.
The combination of these factors puts tremendous demands on the graphics memory system. Bandwidth requirements for next-generation gaming and graphics systems will exceed 500 gigabytes per second (GB/s). Meanwhile the total power budget must remain constant or even decrease. Similarly, price points must remain essentially unchanged for each of the respective performance segments.
Mobile Applications
Consumers have come to expect the entertainment experience of the living room from the mobile devices they carry every day. Advanced mobile devices offer high-definition (HD) resolution video recording, multi-megapixel digital image capture, 3D gaming and media-rich web applications. To pack all that functionality in a form factor that's thin, light and delivered with a pleasing aesthetic presents a tremendous challenge for mobile device designers. Chief among these challenges is the implementation of a high-performance memory architecture that meets the power efficiency constraints of battery-operated products.
In order to support these advanced mobile devices, memory bandwidth will experience significant growth. Over the course of the next 2-3 years, mobile gaming and graphics applications will push memory bandwidth requirements to 12.8 gigabytes per second and beyond. This bandwidth must be achieved within the constraints of the available battery life and cost budget.
In order to support these advanced mobile devices, memory bandwidth will experience significant growth. Over the course of the next 2-3 years, mobile gaming and graphics applications will push memory bandwidth requirements to 12.8 gigabytes per second and beyond. This bandwidth must be achieved within the constraints of the available battery life and cost budget.
Understanding the Energy Consumption of Dynamic Random Access Memories
Energy consumption has become a major constraint on the capabilities of computer systems. In large systems the energy consumed by Dynamic Random Access Memories (DRAM) is a significant part of the total energy consumption. It is possible to calculate the energy consumption of currently available DRAMs from their datasheets, but datasheets don’t allow extrapolation to future DRAM technologies and don’t show how other changes like increasing bandwidth requirements change DRAM energy consumption. This paper first presents a flexible DRAM power model which uses a description of DRAM architecture, technology and operation to calculate power usage and verifies it against datasheet values. Then the model is used together with assumptions about the DRAM roadmap to extrapolate DRAM energy consumption to future DRAM generations. Using this model we evaluate some of the proposed DRAM power reduction schemes.
IBM briefly tops Microsoft in market value
A man walks past the IBM logo at the world's biggest high-tech fair, the CeBIT, in Hanover, Germany 2009. IBM briefly topped Microsoft in market value on Wall Street on Friday to become the second-largest technology company after Apple.
IBM briefly topped Microsoft in market value on Wall Street on Friday to become the second-largest technology company after Apple.
IBM briefly topped Microsoft in market value on Wall Street on Friday to become the second-largest technology company after Apple.
Google Inc. is an American public corporation, earning revenue from advertising related to its Internet search, e-mail, online mapping, office productivity, social networking, and video sharing services as well as selling advertising-free versions of the same technologies. Google has also developed an open source web browser and a mobile operating system. The Google headquarters, the Googleplex, is located in Mountain View, California. As of March 31, 2009 (2009 -03-31)[update], the company has 19,786 full-time employees. The company is running millions of servers worldwide, which process about 1 petabyte of user-generated data every hour. Google conducts hundreds of millions of search requests every day.
Google was founded by Larry Page and Sergey Brin while they were students at Stanford University and the company was first incorporated as a privately held company on September 4, 1998. The initial public offering took place on August 19, 2004, raising $1.67 billion, implying a value for the entire corporation of $23 billion. Google has continued its growth through a series of new product developments, acquisitions, and partnerships. Environmentalism, philanthropy and positive employee relations have been important tenets during the growth of Google. The company has been identified multiple times as Fortune Magazine's #1 Best Place to Work, and as the most powerful brand in the world (according to the Millward Brown Group).
Google's mission is "to organize the world's information and make it universally accessible and useful". The unofficial company slogan, coined by former employee and Gmail's first engineer Paul Buchheit, is "Don't be evil". Criticism of Google includes concerns regarding the privacy of personal information, copyright, and censorship.
Google was founded by Larry Page and Sergey Brin while they were students at Stanford University and the company was first incorporated as a privately held company on September 4, 1998. The initial public offering took place on August 19, 2004, raising $1.67 billion, implying a value for the entire corporation of $23 billion. Google has continued its growth through a series of new product developments, acquisitions, and partnerships. Environmentalism, philanthropy and positive employee relations have been important tenets during the growth of Google. The company has been identified multiple times as Fortune Magazine's #1 Best Place to Work, and as the most powerful brand in the world (according to the Millward Brown Group).
Google's mission is "to organize the world's information and make it universally accessible and useful". The unofficial company slogan, coined by former employee and Gmail's first engineer Paul Buchheit, is "Don't be evil". Criticism of Google includes concerns regarding the privacy of personal information, copyright, and censorship.
More About Disk Drives
Floppies – Although floppy drives are being phased out in some new computers, there are still millions of them out there and you should know something about them. The floppy drive has a little slot on the face of the computer cabinet, and into this slot you can slide a floppy diskette like the one shown here. One of the reasons floppy drives are still around is that it is very easy to take a floppy diskette from one system to another.
Inside the floppy diskette is a round flat disk coated with iron oxide on each side so that data can be stored on it magnetically. This disk is called a platter, and it spins underneath an electro-magnet called the write head that puts data onto the platter surface. There is another head called the read head that copies data from the platter.
Once the disk has made one complete revolution, data is written all the way around. That is called a track. The head then moves a bit and writes another circle of data to create a second track. Altogether, there are 80 tracks on each side, for a total of 160. Altogether, the floppy can hold 1.44 MB (megabytes) of data.
If we are looking for just a few bytes out of 1.44 million, it’s not enough to know which track it is in. To help narrow the search, the track is divided into 18 pieces, calledsectors, which look much like a slice of pie. Each sector holds 512 bytes of data, so if we know the track and sector number of the data we want it won’t be hard to find.
Hard Drives – On a hard drive, data is also organized into tracks and sectors. While each sector still holds 512 bytes, there can be many more tracks and sectors on a platter. There are also multiple platters, one on top of the other like a stack of pancakes. Hard drives can hold much more data than floppies, sometimes into the billions of bytes, calledgigabytes(GB).
Multiple platters require multiple read and write heads, all attached to the same arm so they move together. It’s called an actuator arm. When we are reading track number 10 on the top platter, the other heads are also positioned over track 10 of the other platters, and together all of these track 10s make up a cylinder. To specify the location of data on a hard drive it is necessary to say what cylinder, then the track and sector. Moving the heads from one cylinder to another is called a seek, and the amount of time this takes is the average seek time.
Although hard drives can hold much more data than floppies, the platters are sealed into a metal case that is fastened inside the computer cabinet, so it’s not an easy matter to move from one system to another like you can with floppies. A hard drive is sometimes called a fixed diskfor this reason.
Operating systems use a couple of different methods to keep track of what data is stored where on a drive. One common method uses a table called a File Allocation Tableor FAT, which is a section of the disk with pointers to data locations. There are two versions, calledFAT16 and FAT32. Windows NT, XP and 2000 use a similar method called NTFS.
There are two different interfaces commonly by hard drives to talk to the rest of the system. These are called IDE for Integrated Drive Electronics, and SCSI forSmallComputer System Interconnect. The technical differences are not important at this point, but you should know about the two types because they are not interchangeable.
Figuring out where the heads should go next and then moving them there is the job of some electronic circuitry called the disk controller. Every disk drive has its own controller, which may be on the motherboard or inside the drive itself, depending on the type of drive.
There are a few more things you should know about disk drives before we leave the subject. The first sector of Cylinder 0, Track 0 is called the boot sector, and it contains aMaster Boot Record (MBR) that shows whether the disk contains an operating system and the location of the code. If there is more than one operating system, the drive must be divided into multiple partitions. If not, then the whole drive will be a single partition. All of the disk space assigned to a partition is called a volume.
Another term you will encounter is a disk format. There is a high-level format, which creates a new file allocation table and is done with a FORMAT command. There is also alow-level format that creates a new pattern of sectors. A low-level format must be followed by an FDISK command to create a new Master Boot Record and partitions.
Last, we have the word media. This refers to the actual surface holding the data, which is the platter in the case of a disk drive. Because the floppy platter can be taken out of the drive, it is called removable media, while a hard drive is calledfixed media.
Other Drives – Most systems today, especially home systems, have additional storage drives that use CD or DVD discs. The technology for both is similar but DVDs hold much more data. These drives do not store data magnetically but use optical markings that are read with a laser. They are mostly used just to read data and not to write it. The full name for CD in fact is CD-ROM, which stands forCompact Disc - Read Only Memory. However, there are versions that can be used to write also, and these are called CD-RW and DVD-RW. Even so they are mostly used to write just once for permanent storage, and are not practical for constantly changing data.
Like hard drives, CD-ROM drives can use either an IDE or SCSI interface. The version of IDE for CD-ROM drives is called ATAPI, and for SCSI the CD-ROM version is ASPI.
Because the discs can be removed, CD-ROM and DVD are considered removable media. There are other types of removable media also that are not as common, such as tape drives and Zip disks, which are similar to floppies but with a storage capacity of 100 or 250 MB. Zip disks and tape drives also use the ATAPI interface.
Inside the floppy diskette is a round flat disk coated with iron oxide on each side so that data can be stored on it magnetically. This disk is called a platter, and it spins underneath an electro-magnet called the write head that puts data onto the platter surface. There is another head called the read head that copies data from the platter.
Once the disk has made one complete revolution, data is written all the way around. That is called a track. The head then moves a bit and writes another circle of data to create a second track. Altogether, there are 80 tracks on each side, for a total of 160. Altogether, the floppy can hold 1.44 MB (megabytes) of data.
If we are looking for just a few bytes out of 1.44 million, it’s not enough to know which track it is in. To help narrow the search, the track is divided into 18 pieces, calledsectors, which look much like a slice of pie. Each sector holds 512 bytes of data, so if we know the track and sector number of the data we want it won’t be hard to find.
Hard Drives – On a hard drive, data is also organized into tracks and sectors. While each sector still holds 512 bytes, there can be many more tracks and sectors on a platter. There are also multiple platters, one on top of the other like a stack of pancakes. Hard drives can hold much more data than floppies, sometimes into the billions of bytes, calledgigabytes(GB).
Multiple platters require multiple read and write heads, all attached to the same arm so they move together. It’s called an actuator arm. When we are reading track number 10 on the top platter, the other heads are also positioned over track 10 of the other platters, and together all of these track 10s make up a cylinder. To specify the location of data on a hard drive it is necessary to say what cylinder, then the track and sector. Moving the heads from one cylinder to another is called a seek, and the amount of time this takes is the average seek time.
Although hard drives can hold much more data than floppies, the platters are sealed into a metal case that is fastened inside the computer cabinet, so it’s not an easy matter to move from one system to another like you can with floppies. A hard drive is sometimes called a fixed diskfor this reason.
Operating systems use a couple of different methods to keep track of what data is stored where on a drive. One common method uses a table called a File Allocation Tableor FAT, which is a section of the disk with pointers to data locations. There are two versions, calledFAT16 and FAT32. Windows NT, XP and 2000 use a similar method called NTFS.
There are two different interfaces commonly by hard drives to talk to the rest of the system. These are called IDE for Integrated Drive Electronics, and SCSI forSmallComputer System Interconnect. The technical differences are not important at this point, but you should know about the two types because they are not interchangeable.
Figuring out where the heads should go next and then moving them there is the job of some electronic circuitry called the disk controller. Every disk drive has its own controller, which may be on the motherboard or inside the drive itself, depending on the type of drive.
There are a few more things you should know about disk drives before we leave the subject. The first sector of Cylinder 0, Track 0 is called the boot sector, and it contains aMaster Boot Record (MBR) that shows whether the disk contains an operating system and the location of the code. If there is more than one operating system, the drive must be divided into multiple partitions. If not, then the whole drive will be a single partition. All of the disk space assigned to a partition is called a volume.
Another term you will encounter is a disk format. There is a high-level format, which creates a new file allocation table and is done with a FORMAT command. There is also alow-level format that creates a new pattern of sectors. A low-level format must be followed by an FDISK command to create a new Master Boot Record and partitions.
Last, we have the word media. This refers to the actual surface holding the data, which is the platter in the case of a disk drive. Because the floppy platter can be taken out of the drive, it is called removable media, while a hard drive is calledfixed media.
Other Drives – Most systems today, especially home systems, have additional storage drives that use CD or DVD discs. The technology for both is similar but DVDs hold much more data. These drives do not store data magnetically but use optical markings that are read with a laser. They are mostly used just to read data and not to write it. The full name for CD in fact is CD-ROM, which stands forCompact Disc - Read Only Memory. However, there are versions that can be used to write also, and these are called CD-RW and DVD-RW. Even so they are mostly used to write just once for permanent storage, and are not practical for constantly changing data.
Like hard drives, CD-ROM drives can use either an IDE or SCSI interface. The version of IDE for CD-ROM drives is called ATAPI, and for SCSI the CD-ROM version is ASPI.
Because the discs can be removed, CD-ROM and DVD are considered removable media. There are other types of removable media also that are not as common, such as tape drives and Zip disks, which are similar to floppies but with a storage capacity of 100 or 250 MB. Zip disks and tape drives also use the ATAPI interface.
More About Video
The monitor is a passive device that just displays the video output from the system. However, so much data is needed for the constantly changing screen display that special provisions are made for it.
The video card (or video circuitry on the motherboard) has its own RAM memory just to hold the display information, and its own ROM BIOS to control the output. Some motherboards even have a special high-speed connection between the CPU and the video. It’s called the AGP, or Accelerated Graphics Port.
The important numbers in evaluating a video display are how many distinct colors can be displayed and also the resolution, which is how many pixels the image contains across and from top to bottom. Each dot of color making up the image is one pixel. As video technology evolved there have been a number of standards, and each one has its own set of initials like EGA, CGA or VGA. A common one isSVGA, which stands for SuperVideo Graphics Array and has a resolution of 800x600 (that’s 800 pixels across and 600 down). Some high-performance monitors use SXGA (1280x1024) or even UXGA with a resolution of 1600x1200.
The video card (or video circuitry on the motherboard) has its own RAM memory just to hold the display information, and its own ROM BIOS to control the output. Some motherboards even have a special high-speed connection between the CPU and the video. It’s called the AGP, or Accelerated Graphics Port.
The important numbers in evaluating a video display are how many distinct colors can be displayed and also the resolution, which is how many pixels the image contains across and from top to bottom. Each dot of color making up the image is one pixel. As video technology evolved there have been a number of standards, and each one has its own set of initials like EGA, CGA or VGA. A common one isSVGA, which stands for SuperVideo Graphics Array and has a resolution of 800x600 (that’s 800 pixels across and 600 down). Some high-performance monitors use SXGA (1280x1024) or even UXGA with a resolution of 1600x1200.
Crysis games demanding on machines, rewarding for gamers
With the accolades, however, came some reservations about the game's technical requirements. Crysis was one of the most technically demanding games of all time when it was released and its recommended specs, which include 12 GB of hard drive space, 2 GB of RAM and the equivalent of an NVIDIA GeForce 8800 GTS card, are still demanding by today’s standards. Even these specs don’t allow gamers to run Crysis at its highest graphical settings.
In Gamespot’s review of the game in 2007, Experts“it's doubtful that a system has been built yet that can run the game at ultra-high resolutions with all the graphical sliders maxed out.”
That still seems to be the case. Experts say “Crysis remains the most technologically demanding video game ever made,” adding that “there is still presently no CPU and graphics card combination that can run the game on its highest settings at 1080p and v-synced 60FPS.”
While Crytek has moved away from PC exclusivity, the developer still stresses the technical superiority of PCs over consoles like the PS3 and Xbox 360.
"PC is easily a generation ahead right now,” said Crytek CEO Cevat Yerli to Edge Magazine. “With 360 and PS3, we believe the quality of the games beyond Crysis 2 and other CryEngine developments will be pretty much limited to what their creative expressions is, what the content is.”
While the company has said that Crysis 2 will not be as demanding on this generation of computers as Crysis was to its crop, the game is still likely to require a fairly hefty system to run.
While the fact that Crysis 2 will be a cross-platform game has led to rumors that it will be easier on computers than its predecessor, don’t expect its developers to go soft simply because they are now designing games for consoles as well. These days, you’ll need at least 2 GB of RAM and 25 GB of hard drive space to play World of Warcraft: Cataclysm, a game with a reputation for being easy on gamers’ machines.
Crytek is at the forefront of PC gaming technology and, to be ready for that technology, you will need hardware to match the requirements of the gaming industry. RAM is vital to running high-end games and there has never been a better time to invest in dynamic random access memory. DRAM prices have dropped 55 percent from their peak levels and are expected to continue falling. This should lead to reduced prices for consumers.
According to Experts, the drop in prices will lead to superior computers being built for the marketplace - perfect for gamers looking for an upgraded machine but unsure about building their own gaming rig.
“Instead, computer vendors will offer higher quality specs in order for vendors to preserve a certain price point. Your wallet may not see a difference, but when you go to use your system, you will notice improved functionality,” Experts.
Crysis 2 is slated to be released on March 11, 2011. PC gamers in particular will want to be able to take full advantage of a game that is sure to be gorgeous and that will undoubtedly look better on a PC than on the years-old Xbox 360 and PS3 technology. You are going to want your computer to be ready to play this game.
In Gamespot’s review of the game in 2007, Experts“it's doubtful that a system has been built yet that can run the game at ultra-high resolutions with all the graphical sliders maxed out.”
That still seems to be the case. Experts say “Crysis remains the most technologically demanding video game ever made,” adding that “there is still presently no CPU and graphics card combination that can run the game on its highest settings at 1080p and v-synced 60FPS.”
While Crytek has moved away from PC exclusivity, the developer still stresses the technical superiority of PCs over consoles like the PS3 and Xbox 360.
"PC is easily a generation ahead right now,” said Crytek CEO Cevat Yerli to Edge Magazine. “With 360 and PS3, we believe the quality of the games beyond Crysis 2 and other CryEngine developments will be pretty much limited to what their creative expressions is, what the content is.”
While the company has said that Crysis 2 will not be as demanding on this generation of computers as Crysis was to its crop, the game is still likely to require a fairly hefty system to run.
While the fact that Crysis 2 will be a cross-platform game has led to rumors that it will be easier on computers than its predecessor, don’t expect its developers to go soft simply because they are now designing games for consoles as well. These days, you’ll need at least 2 GB of RAM and 25 GB of hard drive space to play World of Warcraft: Cataclysm, a game with a reputation for being easy on gamers’ machines.
Crytek is at the forefront of PC gaming technology and, to be ready for that technology, you will need hardware to match the requirements of the gaming industry. RAM is vital to running high-end games and there has never been a better time to invest in dynamic random access memory. DRAM prices have dropped 55 percent from their peak levels and are expected to continue falling. This should lead to reduced prices for consumers.
According to Experts, the drop in prices will lead to superior computers being built for the marketplace - perfect for gamers looking for an upgraded machine but unsure about building their own gaming rig.
“Instead, computer vendors will offer higher quality specs in order for vendors to preserve a certain price point. Your wallet may not see a difference, but when you go to use your system, you will notice improved functionality,” Experts.
Crysis 2 is slated to be released on March 11, 2011. PC gamers in particular will want to be able to take full advantage of a game that is sure to be gorgeous and that will undoubtedly look better on a PC than on the years-old Xbox 360 and PS3 technology. You are going to want your computer to be ready to play this game.
Computer not cutting it? Upgrade it yourself
Technology moves quickly. Your state-of-the-art smartphone or television might become obsolete in what feels like overnight. Computers are no exception.
That shiny, brand new desktop of yours might impress your friends today, but this time next year it might be chugging along at snail-like speeds just to load videos or games. Likewise, that huge hard-drive might fill up sooner than you think, especially if you use your computer to store data for work or if you have a large game collection.
Fear not, however. You can install new parts yourself without having to shell out extra cash to a computer repair shop or purchase a new machine. It’s easier than you might think.
One of the first things you might have to upgrade is your hard drive. Space is always limited and, if your work or hobbies use up storage, at some point you will run out. Investing in a new hard drive is worth the price, whether you are low on space, want to back up your system or fully revamp your computer.
Solid state drives are a great choice for those looking to upgrade their machines. If you are building your own system or replacing an old hard disk drive, SSDs will provide you with faster bootup speeds and data access. The data remains static within the solid drive; you don’t have to wait for the disc to spin and process, allowing for rapid startup speeds. The new MacBook Air laptop, which has been hailed for its instant bootups, uses SSDs.
Installing a new hard drive is not difficult. All you need is the new drive, screws, a screwdriver, and the confidence to overcome any hesitation about opening your computer. An anti-static bracelet is also recommended, as even unnoticeable static shocks can permanently damage a computer’s motherboard.
Most computer towers contain multiple hard drive bays. Once you find the right size screw and screwdriver, you simply need to set your new hard drive as either the “master” or “slave” (the hard drive’s manual will have instructions for this), connect it to the motherboard with a cable, mount it in the bay and screw it in. Some desktop towers even have screw-free hard drive bays. They use plastic sliders instead, which make the process significantly quicker.
One hard drive manufacturer even includes a do-it-yourself installation kit. The bundles contain a 2.5-inch SATA drive enclosure, the SSD of your choice, a spreading tool, multiple screwdrivers and instructions. Users can choose between a 40 GB SSD kit to provide just enough extra space for backup, or a 480 GB kit for a full upgrade.
Memory poses another issue for computers. The amount of memory required for applications constantly increases. If you purchased your computer with too little RAM, it’s only a matter of time before YouTube videos and games look more like slide shows on your computer.
If you’re looking to upgrade your RAM, buying some DRAM is a good bet. Global DRAM prices are in flux and will likely remain so for some time. Dramatic overstocks by DRAM suppliers have reduced prices. Regardless of the price, purchasing more memory is a worthwhile investment.
Much like hard drives, installing DRAM is not difficult. It usually requires no extra equipment. Make sure you purchase DRAM that is compatible with your motherboard by checking your system specifications. When you install it, you simply need to locate your computer’s RAM ports and snap the RAM in place. It’s that simple. As soon as you restart your machine, you’ll notice instant results.
It’s not hard to keep your computer up-to-date. Just keep track of developments in application and software requirements and, when necessary, purchase some upgrades. Installing them yourself is both frugal and rewarding. Your wallet and your computer will thank you.
That shiny, brand new desktop of yours might impress your friends today, but this time next year it might be chugging along at snail-like speeds just to load videos or games. Likewise, that huge hard-drive might fill up sooner than you think, especially if you use your computer to store data for work or if you have a large game collection.
Fear not, however. You can install new parts yourself without having to shell out extra cash to a computer repair shop or purchase a new machine. It’s easier than you might think.
One of the first things you might have to upgrade is your hard drive. Space is always limited and, if your work or hobbies use up storage, at some point you will run out. Investing in a new hard drive is worth the price, whether you are low on space, want to back up your system or fully revamp your computer.
Solid state drives are a great choice for those looking to upgrade their machines. If you are building your own system or replacing an old hard disk drive, SSDs will provide you with faster bootup speeds and data access. The data remains static within the solid drive; you don’t have to wait for the disc to spin and process, allowing for rapid startup speeds. The new MacBook Air laptop, which has been hailed for its instant bootups, uses SSDs.
Installing a new hard drive is not difficult. All you need is the new drive, screws, a screwdriver, and the confidence to overcome any hesitation about opening your computer. An anti-static bracelet is also recommended, as even unnoticeable static shocks can permanently damage a computer’s motherboard.
Most computer towers contain multiple hard drive bays. Once you find the right size screw and screwdriver, you simply need to set your new hard drive as either the “master” or “slave” (the hard drive’s manual will have instructions for this), connect it to the motherboard with a cable, mount it in the bay and screw it in. Some desktop towers even have screw-free hard drive bays. They use plastic sliders instead, which make the process significantly quicker.
One hard drive manufacturer even includes a do-it-yourself installation kit. The bundles contain a 2.5-inch SATA drive enclosure, the SSD of your choice, a spreading tool, multiple screwdrivers and instructions. Users can choose between a 40 GB SSD kit to provide just enough extra space for backup, or a 480 GB kit for a full upgrade.
Memory poses another issue for computers. The amount of memory required for applications constantly increases. If you purchased your computer with too little RAM, it’s only a matter of time before YouTube videos and games look more like slide shows on your computer.
If you’re looking to upgrade your RAM, buying some DRAM is a good bet. Global DRAM prices are in flux and will likely remain so for some time. Dramatic overstocks by DRAM suppliers have reduced prices. Regardless of the price, purchasing more memory is a worthwhile investment.
Much like hard drives, installing DRAM is not difficult. It usually requires no extra equipment. Make sure you purchase DRAM that is compatible with your motherboard by checking your system specifications. When you install it, you simply need to locate your computer’s RAM ports and snap the RAM in place. It’s that simple. As soon as you restart your machine, you’ll notice instant results.
It’s not hard to keep your computer up-to-date. Just keep track of developments in application and software requirements and, when necessary, purchase some upgrades. Installing them yourself is both frugal and rewarding. Your wallet and your computer will thank you.
Emerging technologies are impacting the Flash memory market
According to a recent report from New Electronics, DRAM and Flash memory could be the only successful new memory-related technologies in recent years. The report said many technologies have been developed and pushed toward the market, but none of them have established the reliability, cost-efficiency or sustainability of DRAM or Flash.
As a result, if you are purchasing a new computer you can rest assure that your DRAM will remain valuable for the device's entire life cycle without being completely replaced by a new technology. However, you may need to adjust your notions of purchasing a traditional hard disk drive, because Flash memory technology is allowing solid state drives to become an important part of the hardware market.
SSDs use flash memory to read and write data stored on the device, allowing them to operate at faster speeds than traditional hard disks, which depend on a mechanical device rotating a disk that uses lasers to read and write data. As a result, SSDs are quickly becoming somewhat standard in laptops. The desktop market for SSDs is not necessarily as responsive because the moving parts of a hard drive are not as much of a factor in desktop models. However, SSDs are becoming popular boot drives to improve system startup and overall speeds.
The New Electronics report estimates Flash memory still has about 10 years remaining in its mainstream life cycle. The architecture behind the technology has become cheap enough to manufacture efficiently and sell to mainstream users, and devices that favor SSDs, such as laptops and mobile platforms, are becoming more popular. However, new technologies have the potential to emerge within the 10-year period that could challenge Flash's current stronghold.
One of those challenges, the report said, is the result of an upgrade to current Flash models that uses vertical 3D construction to improve memory capacity. Flash devices work by sending electric signal through small transistors that use the signal to read and write content. Current Flash architecture involves transistors places side-by-side on a memory chip. This not only limits storage capacity, it also allows the electric signal to be disrupted because transistors are closely packed.
According to New Electronics, researches have successfully developed new techniques to essentially stack transistors on top of one another in a vertical, 3D stack. As a result, the disruption between parts of the chip is removed and space limitations associated with horizontal construction is gone. The new method of constructing Flash memory is in the early stages of development, but the report said it could end up offering significant benefits for both the speed and reliability of Flash memory devices.
The report said the 3D method of constructing Flash memory could extend the production life of Flash technologies, such as solid state drives, beyond the 10-year period currently predicted for the technology. Furthermore, this manufacturing technique could keep other new memory-related technologies at bay, keeping Flash-based tools relevant.
According to recent research released by the Bedford Report, 3D Flash memory is already becoming an important tool for high-end Flash devices, and could become mainstream within the next few years. The report said 3D Flash construction makes the chips less expensive than current current Flash technology, which could provide significant benefits to consumers looking for a new memory solution.
Currently, the next technology is most popular in mobile computing devices, the Bedford Report said, but it could develop into a mainstream memory solution that enhances the benefits of Flash memory.
As a result, if you are purchasing a new computer you can rest assure that your DRAM will remain valuable for the device's entire life cycle without being completely replaced by a new technology. However, you may need to adjust your notions of purchasing a traditional hard disk drive, because Flash memory technology is allowing solid state drives to become an important part of the hardware market.
SSDs use flash memory to read and write data stored on the device, allowing them to operate at faster speeds than traditional hard disks, which depend on a mechanical device rotating a disk that uses lasers to read and write data. As a result, SSDs are quickly becoming somewhat standard in laptops. The desktop market for SSDs is not necessarily as responsive because the moving parts of a hard drive are not as much of a factor in desktop models. However, SSDs are becoming popular boot drives to improve system startup and overall speeds.
The New Electronics report estimates Flash memory still has about 10 years remaining in its mainstream life cycle. The architecture behind the technology has become cheap enough to manufacture efficiently and sell to mainstream users, and devices that favor SSDs, such as laptops and mobile platforms, are becoming more popular. However, new technologies have the potential to emerge within the 10-year period that could challenge Flash's current stronghold.
One of those challenges, the report said, is the result of an upgrade to current Flash models that uses vertical 3D construction to improve memory capacity. Flash devices work by sending electric signal through small transistors that use the signal to read and write content. Current Flash architecture involves transistors places side-by-side on a memory chip. This not only limits storage capacity, it also allows the electric signal to be disrupted because transistors are closely packed.
According to New Electronics, researches have successfully developed new techniques to essentially stack transistors on top of one another in a vertical, 3D stack. As a result, the disruption between parts of the chip is removed and space limitations associated with horizontal construction is gone. The new method of constructing Flash memory is in the early stages of development, but the report said it could end up offering significant benefits for both the speed and reliability of Flash memory devices.
The report said the 3D method of constructing Flash memory could extend the production life of Flash technologies, such as solid state drives, beyond the 10-year period currently predicted for the technology. Furthermore, this manufacturing technique could keep other new memory-related technologies at bay, keeping Flash-based tools relevant.
According to recent research released by the Bedford Report, 3D Flash memory is already becoming an important tool for high-end Flash devices, and could become mainstream within the next few years. The report said 3D Flash construction makes the chips less expensive than current current Flash technology, which could provide significant benefits to consumers looking for a new memory solution.
Currently, the next technology is most popular in mobile computing devices, the Bedford Report said, but it could develop into a mainstream memory solution that enhances the benefits of Flash memory.
Add more RAM to boost your World of Warcraft Cataclysm experience
Add more RAM to boost your World of Warcraft Cataclysm experience
The millions of virtual citizens of Blizzard's hugely popular MMORPG, World of Warcraft, celebrated the recent launch of the game's latest expansion pack — World of Warcraft: Cataclysm. Those of the game's 12 million-plus subscribers who meet only the minimum RAM required specifications of the new title, however, might want to look into upgrading their RAM and hard drives in order to maximize their Azeroth experience.
The minimum requirements for Cataclysm are not extreme compared to most games, but they are a jump from the last expansion pack, 2008's Wrath of the Lich King. Cataclysm requires 1GB of RAM, higher than the 512MB minimum by Wrath of the Lich King. However, as many gamers know, meeting only the minimum RAM requirement can lead to a choppy, frustrating gaming experience, especially as systems struggle to keep pace with the game's memory demands in highly populated areas.
Memory is not the only issue facing Cataclysm players, however. The game is also a hard drive hog, taking up 25GB of space. In comparison, Wrath of the Lich King used 15GB of hard drive space. For many gamers, the hard drive requirements will be the most difficult requirement to overcome. "There are no real surprises in store — the requirements are really very low, it's just the hard drive that takes a bit of a kicking," Experts sayings when the specifications were announced.
If your hard drive is already filled to the brim and you are in need of an upgrade to play Cataclysm, now might be a good time to consider investing in a new SSD. SSDsare faster and more efficient than traditional hard disc drives.
An upgrade will be worth it. Reviews of the game have been strong, indicating that it is yet another superb entry in Blizzard's flagship franchise.
"Simply put, it is World of Warcraft 2.0. Everything seems to fit in — overhauled graphics, new landscapes, additional quests," Experts.
If you're a WOW fan, you won't want to miss out on Cataclysm, especially due to a computer that is slow or out of space. The game is sure to be one of the biggest releases of the year and you owe it to yourself to make sure you have the hardware to run it.
The millions of virtual citizens of Blizzard's hugely popular MMORPG, World of Warcraft, celebrated the recent launch of the game's latest expansion pack — World of Warcraft: Cataclysm. Those of the game's 12 million-plus subscribers who meet only the minimum RAM required specifications of the new title, however, might want to look into upgrading their RAM and hard drives in order to maximize their Azeroth experience.
The minimum requirements for Cataclysm are not extreme compared to most games, but they are a jump from the last expansion pack, 2008's Wrath of the Lich King. Cataclysm requires 1GB of RAM, higher than the 512MB minimum by Wrath of the Lich King. However, as many gamers know, meeting only the minimum RAM requirement can lead to a choppy, frustrating gaming experience, especially as systems struggle to keep pace with the game's memory demands in highly populated areas.
Memory is not the only issue facing Cataclysm players, however. The game is also a hard drive hog, taking up 25GB of space. In comparison, Wrath of the Lich King used 15GB of hard drive space. For many gamers, the hard drive requirements will be the most difficult requirement to overcome. "There are no real surprises in store — the requirements are really very low, it's just the hard drive that takes a bit of a kicking," Experts sayings when the specifications were announced.
If your hard drive is already filled to the brim and you are in need of an upgrade to play Cataclysm, now might be a good time to consider investing in a new SSD. SSDsare faster and more efficient than traditional hard disc drives.
An upgrade will be worth it. Reviews of the game have been strong, indicating that it is yet another superb entry in Blizzard's flagship franchise.
"Simply put, it is World of Warcraft 2.0. Everything seems to fit in — overhauled graphics, new landscapes, additional quests," Experts.
If you're a WOW fan, you won't want to miss out on Cataclysm, especially due to a computer that is slow or out of space. The game is sure to be one of the biggest releases of the year and you owe it to yourself to make sure you have the hardware to run it.
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Public Safety (609) 258-1000
In an emergency, dial 911
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or (609) 258-3333 from a cell phone.
Conference & Event Services (609) 258-6115
Frist Campus Center Welcome Desk (609) 258-1766
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Traveling to Princeton by Car (recording) (609) 258-2222
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Arts & Exhibitions
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Frist Campus Center Ticket Office (609) 258-1742
Lewis Center for the Arts (609) 258-1500
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McCarter Box Office (609) 258-2787
Princeton University Concerts (609) 258-2800
Richardson Auditorium Ticket Office (609) 258-5000
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Athletics & Recreation
Athletics (609) 258-1800
Athletics Ticket Office (609) 258-3538
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Daily Princetonian (609) 258-3632
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Princeton Alumni Weekly (609) 258-4885
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Finances & Aid
Annual Giving (609) 258-3373
Credit Union (609) 258-5038
Development Office (609) 258-5273
Financial Aid, Undergraduate (609) 258-3330
Student Accounts (609) 258-6378
Health & Well-Being
University Health Services (609) 258-3129
Services for Students with Disabilities (609) 258-3054
Information Technology
OIT Help Desk (609) 258-HELP (4357)
Cotsen Children's Library (609) 258-1148
Library Access Office (609) 258-5737
Library Information Center (609) 258-1470
Public Affairs
Communications (609) 258-3601
Community and Regional Affairs (609) 258-3018
Government Affairs (202) 220-1362
Public Affairs (609) 258-6477
Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory (PPPL) (609) 243-2750
Research and Project Administration (609) 258-3091
Technology Licensing and Intellectual Property (609) 258-1570
Public Safety (609) 258-1000
In an emergency, dial 911
from any land line on campus
or (609) 258-3333 from a cell phone.
Conference & Event Services (609) 258-6115
Frist Campus Center Welcome Desk (609) 258-1766
Orange Key Guide Service (609) 258-3060
Traveling to Princeton by Car (recording) (609) 258-2222
University Services (609) 258-8500
University Affiliates
Princeton University Press (609) 258-4900
Princeton University Store
Abilene Christian University
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Abilene Christian University
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Campus Operator: 325-674-2000
Admissions Helpline: 800-460-6228
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Abilene Christian University
Abilene, Texas 79699
Campus Operator: 325-674-2000
Admissions Helpline: 800-460-6228
Abraham Baldwin Agricultural College
Involved in all phases of campus life, Jessica Still from Blakely loves being a student at Abraham Baldwin Agricultural College. The journalism and mass media major appreciates the college and the people that make ABAC such a quality learning institution.
“People here are very friendly and full of Southern hospitality,” Still said. “Everywhere you turn there is a possibility to make a new friend.”
Still is active in the ABAC Ambassadors, FFA, The Stallion newspaper, and serves as a tutor in the Writing Center of the Academic Assistance Center. Between her academics and her campus involvement, she has learned a valuable lesson at ABAC.
“I’ve learned a lot about time management,” Still said. “I used to be a procrastinator. Since being at ABAC I have learned to manage my time more effectively and how to prioritize."
Once her academic career at ABAC has come to a close, Still plans to attend the University of Georgia to major in broadcast journalism. Her goal is to become a news anchor.
Still says her favorite words to live by come from Jeremiah 29:11, “For I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”
“People here are very friendly and full of Southern hospitality,” Still said. “Everywhere you turn there is a possibility to make a new friend.”
Still is active in the ABAC Ambassadors, FFA, The Stallion newspaper, and serves as a tutor in the Writing Center of the Academic Assistance Center. Between her academics and her campus involvement, she has learned a valuable lesson at ABAC.
“I’ve learned a lot about time management,” Still said. “I used to be a procrastinator. Since being at ABAC I have learned to manage my time more effectively and how to prioritize."
Once her academic career at ABAC has come to a close, Still plans to attend the University of Georgia to major in broadcast journalism. Her goal is to become a news anchor.
Still says her favorite words to live by come from Jeremiah 29:11, “For I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”
Academy of Art University
The Academy of Art University works hard to keep up with industry standards, and we recruit top faculty who often have limited availability. Courses are added to the schedule continuously, and course schedules do change. To view the most up-to-date course schedules and course offerings, please use the online course schedule above. If you have not yet graduated from high school, the Academy of Art University Pre-College Program is an intensive program for high school students, allowing them to explore art and design, and prepare themselves for art school.
Academy of Oriental Medicine at Austin
AOMA Mission Statement
The mission of AOMA is to transform lives and communities through graduate education in Oriental medicine by:
Providing excellent and innovative teaching of acupuncture and Oriental medicine to learners while developing knowledge, skills, and attitudes that lead to intellectual and personal growth
Delivering high quality acupuncture and Oriental medical healthcare to our patients
Providing leadership for the development of acupuncture and Oriental medicine professionals
AOMA’s vision is to be a leader in Oriental medicine education by engaging our communities and by preparing compassionate and skilled practitioners who embody the art and spirit of healing.
Our Core Values
We recognize that the outcomes we produce result from the collective activities that are consistent with the following core values:
Sustainability: Our programs and community engagements are sustainable and effective.
Integrity: We do what we say we will do. In our communication we are honest and complete.
Inspiration: We are called into action by a spirit of purposeful aliveness.
Flexibility and openness: We conscientiously choose our actions in consideration of all the parties involved.
Professionalism: In all that we do, we are impeccable, clear and complete.
Compassion and Service: In word and action, we look for opportunities to benefit others.
AOMA Educational Objectives
Graduates of the AOMA master degree program will:
Have the knowledge base necessary to enter the profession
Practice professional behaviors and values
Provide patient centered care
Incorporate evidence and experience based practices
Participate in collaborative patient care
The mission of AOMA is to transform lives and communities through graduate education in Oriental medicine by:
Providing excellent and innovative teaching of acupuncture and Oriental medicine to learners while developing knowledge, skills, and attitudes that lead to intellectual and personal growth
Delivering high quality acupuncture and Oriental medical healthcare to our patients
Providing leadership for the development of acupuncture and Oriental medicine professionals
AOMA’s vision is to be a leader in Oriental medicine education by engaging our communities and by preparing compassionate and skilled practitioners who embody the art and spirit of healing.
Our Core Values
We recognize that the outcomes we produce result from the collective activities that are consistent with the following core values:
Sustainability: Our programs and community engagements are sustainable and effective.
Integrity: We do what we say we will do. In our communication we are honest and complete.
Inspiration: We are called into action by a spirit of purposeful aliveness.
Flexibility and openness: We conscientiously choose our actions in consideration of all the parties involved.
Professionalism: In all that we do, we are impeccable, clear and complete.
Compassion and Service: In word and action, we look for opportunities to benefit others.
AOMA Educational Objectives
Graduates of the AOMA master degree program will:
Have the knowledge base necessary to enter the profession
Practice professional behaviors and values
Provide patient centered care
Incorporate evidence and experience based practices
Participate in collaborative patient care
Adams State College
About Adams State
“Great Stories Begin Here” is not simply a slogan at Adams State College. Student success is the result of our caring campus culture. Our highly qualified faculty focus on teaching and excellence within their disciplines.
Transformation & Growth
Adams State has entered a new era of growth, recording an all-time high enrollment of 3,701 in fall 2011. The campus has been transformed, with $65 million worth of improvements nearly complete. An intimate campus with treed-lined walkways, state-of-the-art classrooms and laboratories, supportive programs, and vibrant student life await Adams State students.
Founded in 1921 as a teachers' college, Adams State is now a comprehensive liberal arts college offering 16 undergraduate majors with 28 minors and emphases, as well as 8 master’s degree programs – most offered online. New academic programs are developed to address student and societal need.
Expanding Opportunity
As the Regional Education Provider for southern Colorado, Adams State is crucial to enhancing the area’s educational opportunity, economic development, and cultural enrichment. Adams State emphasizes its historic commitment to underserved populations, including underrepresented minorities, first-generation, and low-income students.
Adams State was Colorado’s first higher education institution to be federally designated a Hispanic Serving Institution (HSI). Since 2000, the college has been awarded a total of $14.1 million in Title V grants designed to strengthen HSIs. Two five-year grants totaling $6.1 million are currently underway.
Colorado’s premier small college
Adams State is distinguished by caring professors, small classes, and a diverse, yet close-knit community. This environment fosters student engagement, and individual attention helps students achieve their best.
“Great Stories Begin Here” is not simply a slogan at Adams State College. Student success is the result of our caring campus culture. Our highly qualified faculty focus on teaching and excellence within their disciplines.
Transformation & Growth
Adams State has entered a new era of growth, recording an all-time high enrollment of 3,701 in fall 2011. The campus has been transformed, with $65 million worth of improvements nearly complete. An intimate campus with treed-lined walkways, state-of-the-art classrooms and laboratories, supportive programs, and vibrant student life await Adams State students.
Founded in 1921 as a teachers' college, Adams State is now a comprehensive liberal arts college offering 16 undergraduate majors with 28 minors and emphases, as well as 8 master’s degree programs – most offered online. New academic programs are developed to address student and societal need.
Expanding Opportunity
As the Regional Education Provider for southern Colorado, Adams State is crucial to enhancing the area’s educational opportunity, economic development, and cultural enrichment. Adams State emphasizes its historic commitment to underserved populations, including underrepresented minorities, first-generation, and low-income students.
Adams State was Colorado’s first higher education institution to be federally designated a Hispanic Serving Institution (HSI). Since 2000, the college has been awarded a total of $14.1 million in Title V grants designed to strengthen HSIs. Two five-year grants totaling $6.1 million are currently underway.
Colorado’s premier small college
Adams State is distinguished by caring professors, small classes, and a diverse, yet close-knit community. This environment fosters student engagement, and individual attention helps students achieve their best.
Adelphi University
The Adelphi Timeline
Charles H. Levermore becomes the Principal of Adelphi Academy, a private preparatory school located at 412 Adelphi Avenue in Brooklyn, New York. Levermore's goal is to expand the academy, known for its innovative curriculum, into a four-year, coeducational liberal arts college.
Timothy L. Woodruff becomes President of the Board of Trustees of Adelphi Academy and petitions the Board of Regents of the State of New York to establish a liberal arts college in the city of Brooklyn. Woodruff would later serve three terms as the Lieutenant Governor for the State of New York.
Levermore's dream becomes a reality. The Charter for Adelphi College is granted on June 24, 1896—one of the earliest granted to a coeducational college by the Board of Regents. Charles H. Levermore becomes the first president of Adelphi College. Classes begin in September with 57 students and 16 instructors.
Timothy L. Woodruff steps down as president of the board of trustees, but remains a member until 1913. James H. Post, philanthropist and sugar magnate, succeeds him.
Adelphi had been known since its inception as a premier school for women. In 1912, the Board votes to make Adelphi a college exclusively for women.
Frank D. Blodgett receives unanimous Board approval to become the second president of Adelphi, succeeding Charles H. Levermore.
Faced with increasing enrollment, Adelphi seeks to raise $1 million to expand the facilities.
The College severs all financial and academic ties with Adelphi Academy. The monogram in the school seal is changed from "AA" to "AC" and the founding date is changed from 1869 to 1896.
Enrollment surges. 652 students are attending classes in a building designed to accommodate 560 students. Looking ahead to the future, President Blodgett and a committee of trustees search for a new site for the college. The committee selects 68 acres in Garden City, Long Island. On October 8, 1928, the cornerstone of the first new college building is laid.
Classes begin on Monday, September 30 on Adelphi's new Garden City campus in three buildings designed by the renowned architectural firm of McKim, Mead & White.
In the midst of the Depression, Adelphi is forced into receivership. A new president, Paul Dawson Eddy is faced with the task of saving the College. He redesigns the curriculum to include practical and vocational skills, adds prominent Long Island businessmen to the Board of Trustees and reduces the size of the faculty. Eddy's strategy of meeting the demands of the community will dominate Adelphi's development for the next half century.
Internationally renowned choreographer and dancer Ruth St. Denis becomes the head of the first dance department at an American college.
Under the direction of Mildred Montag, Adelphi establishes the first Central Collegiate School of Nursing and the U.S. Cadet Nurse Corps in New York State. Created in response to the need for nurses after the United States' entry into World War II, the Nursing School extends Adelphi leadership in professional education.
First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt dedicates Harvey and Alumnae, two new dormitories financed by the Federal Works Agency needed to house the increasing number of nursing students.
After the end of World War II, Adelphi again opens it doors to men, giving an opportunity to the many veterans seeking to further their education under the GI Bill.
The post-war period is marked by expansion into new areas relating to business. The admission of men spurs the creation of basketball, football, swimming, wrestling, baseball, and track teams.
School of Social Work is founded.
Adelphi's program in clinical psychology is formally organized.
The College marks its 60th anniversary with a three-day series of lectures and cultural events.
Enrollment hits 3,667.
A Ford Foundation grant for $407,000 supports increasing faculty salaries.
Adelphi is granted university status by the Board of Regents of the State of New York.
The Leon A. Swirbul Library opens, named for Adelphi trustee and Grumman Corporation founder.
The faculty grows to 209, and the campus expands from the original three buildings to 16 on 70 acres of land.
The Board of Regents establishes the School of Business Administration (now the School of Business) as a distinct unit, conferring baccalaureate and master's degrees.
Arthur Brown named president of Adelphi following Paul Dawson Eddy's retirement.
The Graduate School of Arts and Sciences is established.
The Institute for Advanced Psychological Studies (since rededicated as the Gordon F. Derner Institute of Advanced Psychological Studies) becomes the world's first university-based professional program in clinical psychology.
Robert Olmsted, a member of the board of trustees, is appointed interim president.
Charles Vevier is appointed president.
Trustee Randall McIntyre becomes acting president.
Timothy Costello is named president of Adelphi.
The Ruth S. Harley University Center is dedicated. Harley's association with Adelphi would span over eight decades as a student, professor, Registrar, and Dean of Women (later Dean of Students), a post she held from 1942 to 1970, and distinguished alumna. Following her retirement in 1970, she was appointed Dean Emeritus, a scholarship fund and student center were named in her honor, and the Ruth Stratton Harley Distinguished Alumni Achievement Award was established in 2004. She died July 4, 2005 at the age of 103.
University College establishes ABLE (Adult Baccalaureate Learning Experience), one of the earliest adult education baccalaureate programs.
Adelphi's School of Social Work opens a satellite program in Poughkeepsie, New York.
President Tim Costello establishes an Honors Program in Liberal Studies.
The Adelphi New York Statewide Breast Cancer Hotline and Support Program is established.
The Institute for Teaching and Education Studies is created.
Peter Diamandopoulos is selected as president.
The University establishes a core curriculum, an interdisciplinary approach to general education. Required courses are taken throughout the four-year course of study to provide the context in which knowledge advances understanding.
The Institute for Teaching and Education Studies is reorganized as the School of Education.
The Society of Mentors is established to provide every freshman and sophomore with a distinguished faculty adviser to enhance their University experience and guide them beyond the requirements of the curriculum.
The Honors College is established to educate American leaders. The rigorous course of study includes small classes, a specially selected faculty, and co-curricular and extracurricular activities.
Steven L. Isenberg is named interim president.
Dr. Robert Allyn Scott is inaugurated as Adelphi's ninth President.
Adelphi celebrates 25 years of Performing Arts in the Olmsted Theatre.
Adelphi's Hauppauge Center opens in Suffolk County.
A ceremonial ground breaking for a new residence hall is held.
Adelphi joins the American Association of Botanical Gardens and Arboreta and its 75-acre Garden City campus is designated the Arboretum at Adelphi.
The building that houses Adelphi's School of Business is dedicated as the Hagedorn Hall of Enterprise.
Adelphi honors Mildred Montag and the 60th anniversary of its School of Nursing.
The Honors College celebrates 25 years at Adelphi.
Adelphi celebrates its 75th anniversary in Garden City.
University Professor of Music Paul Moravec is awarded the 2004 Pulitzer Prize for Music.
The Women’s Lacrosse team wins the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) Division II Championship, the first national title for a women’s program at Adelphi.
Women’s Soccer advances to the NCAA Championship Game for the first time since 1992. The Panthers finish as National Runners-up.
AU Men’s Soccer turns 50.
The visual arts at Adelphi are given a new home, with the construction of a new state-of-the-art Fine Arts and Facilities Building, later named the Adele and Herbert J. Klapper Center for Fine Arts.
Swirbul Library gets a makeover, thanks to an extensive interior renovation.
A $1 million gift from Amy and Horace Hagedorn paves the way for Adelphi’s new Early Learning Center.
Adelphi celebrates 30 years of women’s athletics.
Adelphi receives the “Leadership in Higher Education” award from Long Island Works Coalition.
President Robert A. Scott is named one of Long Island's 100 most influential Long Islanders by Long Island Business News.
The School of Education is renamed the Ruth S. Ammon School of Education, in honor of alumna Ruth S. Ammon ’42, mother of Carol A. Ammon M.B.A. ’79, Adelphi Trustee and benefactor.
Adelphi University receives a $5 million grant from New York State, the largest public grant in its 110-year history, which will help fund the construction of the new Performing Arts Center.
Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton delivers the University’s 110th Commencement address at Nassau Coliseum.
Adelphi is recognized as a “Best Buy” in the Fiske Guide to Colleges.
New multiple-building instructional, performing arts, and sports complexes, slated for 2008-2009 completion, will enhance Adelphi’s academic, artistic, athletic, and recreational programs.
Adelphi becomes the only university on Long Island, and one of a handful in New York State, to offer a Ph.D. in nursing.
New York Times reporter Bruce Lambert chronicles Adelphi’s recent success in an article in the Metro Section.
Women’s Lacrosse repeats as NCAA Division II National Champions.
Women’s Soccer celebrates 25 Years at Adelphi.
The Ruth S. Ammon School of Education is awarded National Accreditation by National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE), the premier accrediting body in the field.
Adelphi’s School of Business earns accreditation by AACSB International—The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business, the longest serving and largest global accrediting body for business schools that offer undergraduate, master's, and doctoral degrees in business and accounting.
This page was last modified on October 7, 2011.
Charles H. Levermore becomes the Principal of Adelphi Academy, a private preparatory school located at 412 Adelphi Avenue in Brooklyn, New York. Levermore's goal is to expand the academy, known for its innovative curriculum, into a four-year, coeducational liberal arts college.
Timothy L. Woodruff becomes President of the Board of Trustees of Adelphi Academy and petitions the Board of Regents of the State of New York to establish a liberal arts college in the city of Brooklyn. Woodruff would later serve three terms as the Lieutenant Governor for the State of New York.
Levermore's dream becomes a reality. The Charter for Adelphi College is granted on June 24, 1896—one of the earliest granted to a coeducational college by the Board of Regents. Charles H. Levermore becomes the first president of Adelphi College. Classes begin in September with 57 students and 16 instructors.
Timothy L. Woodruff steps down as president of the board of trustees, but remains a member until 1913. James H. Post, philanthropist and sugar magnate, succeeds him.
Adelphi had been known since its inception as a premier school for women. In 1912, the Board votes to make Adelphi a college exclusively for women.
Frank D. Blodgett receives unanimous Board approval to become the second president of Adelphi, succeeding Charles H. Levermore.
Faced with increasing enrollment, Adelphi seeks to raise $1 million to expand the facilities.
The College severs all financial and academic ties with Adelphi Academy. The monogram in the school seal is changed from "AA" to "AC" and the founding date is changed from 1869 to 1896.
Enrollment surges. 652 students are attending classes in a building designed to accommodate 560 students. Looking ahead to the future, President Blodgett and a committee of trustees search for a new site for the college. The committee selects 68 acres in Garden City, Long Island. On October 8, 1928, the cornerstone of the first new college building is laid.
Classes begin on Monday, September 30 on Adelphi's new Garden City campus in three buildings designed by the renowned architectural firm of McKim, Mead & White.
In the midst of the Depression, Adelphi is forced into receivership. A new president, Paul Dawson Eddy is faced with the task of saving the College. He redesigns the curriculum to include practical and vocational skills, adds prominent Long Island businessmen to the Board of Trustees and reduces the size of the faculty. Eddy's strategy of meeting the demands of the community will dominate Adelphi's development for the next half century.
Internationally renowned choreographer and dancer Ruth St. Denis becomes the head of the first dance department at an American college.
Under the direction of Mildred Montag, Adelphi establishes the first Central Collegiate School of Nursing and the U.S. Cadet Nurse Corps in New York State. Created in response to the need for nurses after the United States' entry into World War II, the Nursing School extends Adelphi leadership in professional education.
First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt dedicates Harvey and Alumnae, two new dormitories financed by the Federal Works Agency needed to house the increasing number of nursing students.
After the end of World War II, Adelphi again opens it doors to men, giving an opportunity to the many veterans seeking to further their education under the GI Bill.
The post-war period is marked by expansion into new areas relating to business. The admission of men spurs the creation of basketball, football, swimming, wrestling, baseball, and track teams.
School of Social Work is founded.
Adelphi's program in clinical psychology is formally organized.
The College marks its 60th anniversary with a three-day series of lectures and cultural events.
Enrollment hits 3,667.
A Ford Foundation grant for $407,000 supports increasing faculty salaries.
Adelphi is granted university status by the Board of Regents of the State of New York.
The Leon A. Swirbul Library opens, named for Adelphi trustee and Grumman Corporation founder.
The faculty grows to 209, and the campus expands from the original three buildings to 16 on 70 acres of land.
The Board of Regents establishes the School of Business Administration (now the School of Business) as a distinct unit, conferring baccalaureate and master's degrees.
Arthur Brown named president of Adelphi following Paul Dawson Eddy's retirement.
The Graduate School of Arts and Sciences is established.
The Institute for Advanced Psychological Studies (since rededicated as the Gordon F. Derner Institute of Advanced Psychological Studies) becomes the world's first university-based professional program in clinical psychology.
Robert Olmsted, a member of the board of trustees, is appointed interim president.
Charles Vevier is appointed president.
Trustee Randall McIntyre becomes acting president.
Timothy Costello is named president of Adelphi.
The Ruth S. Harley University Center is dedicated. Harley's association with Adelphi would span over eight decades as a student, professor, Registrar, and Dean of Women (later Dean of Students), a post she held from 1942 to 1970, and distinguished alumna. Following her retirement in 1970, she was appointed Dean Emeritus, a scholarship fund and student center were named in her honor, and the Ruth Stratton Harley Distinguished Alumni Achievement Award was established in 2004. She died July 4, 2005 at the age of 103.
University College establishes ABLE (Adult Baccalaureate Learning Experience), one of the earliest adult education baccalaureate programs.
Adelphi's School of Social Work opens a satellite program in Poughkeepsie, New York.
President Tim Costello establishes an Honors Program in Liberal Studies.
The Adelphi New York Statewide Breast Cancer Hotline and Support Program is established.
The Institute for Teaching and Education Studies is created.
Peter Diamandopoulos is selected as president.
The University establishes a core curriculum, an interdisciplinary approach to general education. Required courses are taken throughout the four-year course of study to provide the context in which knowledge advances understanding.
The Institute for Teaching and Education Studies is reorganized as the School of Education.
The Society of Mentors is established to provide every freshman and sophomore with a distinguished faculty adviser to enhance their University experience and guide them beyond the requirements of the curriculum.
The Honors College is established to educate American leaders. The rigorous course of study includes small classes, a specially selected faculty, and co-curricular and extracurricular activities.
Steven L. Isenberg is named interim president.
Dr. Robert Allyn Scott is inaugurated as Adelphi's ninth President.
Adelphi celebrates 25 years of Performing Arts in the Olmsted Theatre.
Adelphi's Hauppauge Center opens in Suffolk County.
A ceremonial ground breaking for a new residence hall is held.
Adelphi joins the American Association of Botanical Gardens and Arboreta and its 75-acre Garden City campus is designated the Arboretum at Adelphi.
The building that houses Adelphi's School of Business is dedicated as the Hagedorn Hall of Enterprise.
Adelphi honors Mildred Montag and the 60th anniversary of its School of Nursing.
The Honors College celebrates 25 years at Adelphi.
Adelphi celebrates its 75th anniversary in Garden City.
University Professor of Music Paul Moravec is awarded the 2004 Pulitzer Prize for Music.
The Women’s Lacrosse team wins the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) Division II Championship, the first national title for a women’s program at Adelphi.
Women’s Soccer advances to the NCAA Championship Game for the first time since 1992. The Panthers finish as National Runners-up.
AU Men’s Soccer turns 50.
The visual arts at Adelphi are given a new home, with the construction of a new state-of-the-art Fine Arts and Facilities Building, later named the Adele and Herbert J. Klapper Center for Fine Arts.
Swirbul Library gets a makeover, thanks to an extensive interior renovation.
A $1 million gift from Amy and Horace Hagedorn paves the way for Adelphi’s new Early Learning Center.
Adelphi celebrates 30 years of women’s athletics.
Adelphi receives the “Leadership in Higher Education” award from Long Island Works Coalition.
President Robert A. Scott is named one of Long Island's 100 most influential Long Islanders by Long Island Business News.
The School of Education is renamed the Ruth S. Ammon School of Education, in honor of alumna Ruth S. Ammon ’42, mother of Carol A. Ammon M.B.A. ’79, Adelphi Trustee and benefactor.
Adelphi University receives a $5 million grant from New York State, the largest public grant in its 110-year history, which will help fund the construction of the new Performing Arts Center.
Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton delivers the University’s 110th Commencement address at Nassau Coliseum.
Adelphi is recognized as a “Best Buy” in the Fiske Guide to Colleges.
New multiple-building instructional, performing arts, and sports complexes, slated for 2008-2009 completion, will enhance Adelphi’s academic, artistic, athletic, and recreational programs.
Adelphi becomes the only university on Long Island, and one of a handful in New York State, to offer a Ph.D. in nursing.
New York Times reporter Bruce Lambert chronicles Adelphi’s recent success in an article in the Metro Section.
Women’s Lacrosse repeats as NCAA Division II National Champions.
Women’s Soccer celebrates 25 Years at Adelphi.
The Ruth S. Ammon School of Education is awarded National Accreditation by National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE), the premier accrediting body in the field.
Adelphi’s School of Business earns accreditation by AACSB International—The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business, the longest serving and largest global accrediting body for business schools that offer undergraduate, master's, and doctoral degrees in business and accounting.
This page was last modified on October 7, 2011.
Adler Graduate School
Directory of Staff at AGS
Director of Admissions and Student Services:
Evelyn Haas
Phone: (612) 861-7554 ext. 103
Director of Financial Aid, Registrar:
Jeanette Maynard Nelson
Phone: (612) 861-7554 ext. 102
Business Operations Director:
Leslie Rohde
Phone: (612) 861-7554 ext. 101
Daniel A. Haugen, PhD
Phone: (612) 861-7554 ext. 107
Academic Vice President:
David J. Mathieu
Phone: (612) 861-7554 ext. 106
Assistant to the President:
Margie McGovern
Phone: (612) 861-7554 ext. 100
Media Center Coordinator:
Earl Heinrich, BA
Phone: (612) 861-7554 ext. 114
Staff Accountant :
Ray Li
Phone: (612) 861-7554 ext. 101
Administrative Assistant:
Barbara Bedell
Phone: (612) 861-7554 ext. 105
Network and Computer Systems Associate:
Paul Kaiser
Phone: (612) 861-7554 ext. 110
Director of Clinical Licensing Programs and Adlerian Studies:
Roger Ballou, PhD, LMFT, LPCC
Phone: (612) 861-7554 ext. 109
Director for Internship and Clinical Leadership Development:
Herb Laube, PhD, LP, LMFT
Phone: (612) 861-7554 ext. 113
Assistant Academic Vice President & School Counseling Program Director:
Chris Helgestad, MA
Phone: (612) 861-7554 ext. 108
School Counseling Program Associate:
Amy Wojciechowski, MA
Phone: (612) 861-7554 ext. 118
Institutional Review and Assessment Director:
William J. Premo, PhD
Phone: (612) 861-7554 ext. 111
Art Therapy Program Director:
Craig Balfany
Phone: (612) 861-7554 ext. 115
Professional Life Coaching Coordinator:
Paula Hemming, MA, PCC
Phone: (612) 861-7554 ext. 112
Director for Online Education and Special Projects:
Marina Bluvshtein, PhD, LP
Phone: (612) 861-7554 ext. 117
E-mail: or
Project Manager:
Deb Velasco
Phone: (612) 861-7554 ext. 120
Building Manager/Custodian:
Jim Jagodzinski
Phone: (612) 861-7554 ext. 119
Director of Admissions and Student Services:
Evelyn Haas
Phone: (612) 861-7554 ext. 103
Director of Financial Aid, Registrar:
Jeanette Maynard Nelson
Phone: (612) 861-7554 ext. 102
Business Operations Director:
Leslie Rohde
Phone: (612) 861-7554 ext. 101
Daniel A. Haugen, PhD
Phone: (612) 861-7554 ext. 107
Academic Vice President:
David J. Mathieu
Phone: (612) 861-7554 ext. 106
Assistant to the President:
Margie McGovern
Phone: (612) 861-7554 ext. 100
Media Center Coordinator:
Earl Heinrich, BA
Phone: (612) 861-7554 ext. 114
Staff Accountant :
Ray Li
Phone: (612) 861-7554 ext. 101
Administrative Assistant:
Barbara Bedell
Phone: (612) 861-7554 ext. 105
Network and Computer Systems Associate:
Paul Kaiser
Phone: (612) 861-7554 ext. 110
Director of Clinical Licensing Programs and Adlerian Studies:
Roger Ballou, PhD, LMFT, LPCC
Phone: (612) 861-7554 ext. 109
Director for Internship and Clinical Leadership Development:
Herb Laube, PhD, LP, LMFT
Phone: (612) 861-7554 ext. 113
Assistant Academic Vice President & School Counseling Program Director:
Chris Helgestad, MA
Phone: (612) 861-7554 ext. 108
School Counseling Program Associate:
Amy Wojciechowski, MA
Phone: (612) 861-7554 ext. 118
Institutional Review and Assessment Director:
William J. Premo, PhD
Phone: (612) 861-7554 ext. 111
Art Therapy Program Director:
Craig Balfany
Phone: (612) 861-7554 ext. 115
Professional Life Coaching Coordinator:
Paula Hemming, MA, PCC
Phone: (612) 861-7554 ext. 112
Director for Online Education and Special Projects:
Marina Bluvshtein, PhD, LP
Phone: (612) 861-7554 ext. 117
E-mail: or
Project Manager:
Deb Velasco
Phone: (612) 861-7554 ext. 120
Building Manager/Custodian:
Jim Jagodzinski
Phone: (612) 861-7554 ext. 119
Adler School of Professional Psychology
Welcome to the website for the Adler School of Professional Psychology. Here, you’ll find information about our academic programs, talented faculty, and social justice initiatives, as well as gain access to services and resources. You’ll also find ways to support our work.
The Adler School is founded on an important idea: our health resides in our community life and connections. This notion, which Alfred Adler called gemeinschaftsgefuhl, or social interest, was revolutionary when he proposed it in turn-of-the-century Vienna, and it remains so today. Our ground-breaking and far-reaching curricula, our commitment to community engagement, and even the design of our new website all spring from this guiding idea.
Our world faces extraordinary challenges. Much of the conflict and disease that threatens our communities is rooted in an inability to see others as people like ourselves, worthy of respect and opportunity. At the Adler School, we educate socially responsible practitioners to lead the way in healing these divisions within and beyond Chicago and Vancouver. Socially responsible practitioners are prepared to meet the needs of a complex and changing world.
We work with students who are courageous enough to want to change the world. To prepare them for the challenges they will face, we offer demanding curricula and hands-on experiences. This blend of theory, science, and practice results in graduates who have the knowledge, skills, and values to be effective personal and social change agents in the pursuit of justice.
Our faculty are practitioners who bring a range of experiences and perspectives to the classroom. They regularly rethink and improve our pedagogy, and they build new academic programs to meet emerging social needs. For example, in September 2011, our Chicago campus began offering two new tracks within the Doctor of Psychology in Clinical Psychology program: a Military Clinical Psychology Track and a Child & Adolescent Psychology Track. The Chicago campus has also been approved to launch a Master of Arts in Criminology program in fall 2012 – the Adler School’s first 100% online program. In Vancouver, the School now offers a Master of Arts in Community Psychology to prepare leaders in the government and community agency sectors.
Outside my office is a quotation from Alfred Adler that reads: “The school must not regard itself as an end in itself and must keep in mind that the individual must be trained for society and not the school.” This quote focuses my attention on our responsibility to our Adlerian legacy, to our students, and to our need to innovate and grow the Adler School in service to the world.
After careful planning, hard work, and incredible growth, we are poised to make the coming years a historic and transformational era for the Adler School. In our recently published strategic plan, we identify the achievements we will secure by 2015. I look forward to collaborating with our extended community—students, alumni, faculty, staff, trustees, partners, and supporters—as we continue on a path of success and excellence.
Please enjoy the information, ideas, and images on this site. I hope this visit is the first of many you will make to the Adler School.
Raymond E. Crossman, Ph.D.
Welcome to the website for the Adler School of Professional Psychology. Here, you’ll find information about our academic programs, talented faculty, and social justice initiatives, as well as gain access to services and resources. You’ll also find ways to support our work.
The Adler School is founded on an important idea: our health resides in our community life and connections. This notion, which Alfred Adler called gemeinschaftsgefuhl, or social interest, was revolutionary when he proposed it in turn-of-the-century Vienna, and it remains so today. Our ground-breaking and far-reaching curricula, our commitment to community engagement, and even the design of our new website all spring from this guiding idea.
Our world faces extraordinary challenges. Much of the conflict and disease that threatens our communities is rooted in an inability to see others as people like ourselves, worthy of respect and opportunity. At the Adler School, we educate socially responsible practitioners to lead the way in healing these divisions within and beyond Chicago and Vancouver. Socially responsible practitioners are prepared to meet the needs of a complex and changing world.
We work with students who are courageous enough to want to change the world. To prepare them for the challenges they will face, we offer demanding curricula and hands-on experiences. This blend of theory, science, and practice results in graduates who have the knowledge, skills, and values to be effective personal and social change agents in the pursuit of justice.
Our faculty are practitioners who bring a range of experiences and perspectives to the classroom. They regularly rethink and improve our pedagogy, and they build new academic programs to meet emerging social needs. For example, in September 2011, our Chicago campus began offering two new tracks within the Doctor of Psychology in Clinical Psychology program: a Military Clinical Psychology Track and a Child & Adolescent Psychology Track. The Chicago campus has also been approved to launch a Master of Arts in Criminology program in fall 2012 – the Adler School’s first 100% online program. In Vancouver, the School now offers a Master of Arts in Community Psychology to prepare leaders in the government and community agency sectors.
Outside my office is a quotation from Alfred Adler that reads: “The school must not regard itself as an end in itself and must keep in mind that the individual must be trained for society and not the school.” This quote focuses my attention on our responsibility to our Adlerian legacy, to our students, and to our need to innovate and grow the Adler School in service to the world.
After careful planning, hard work, and incredible growth, we are poised to make the coming years a historic and transformational era for the Adler School. In our recently published strategic plan, we identify the achievements we will secure by 2015. I look forward to collaborating with our extended community—students, alumni, faculty, staff, trustees, partners, and supporters—as we continue on a path of success and excellence.
Please enjoy the information, ideas, and images on this site. I hope this visit is the first of many you will make to the Adler School.
Raymond E. Crossman, Ph.D.
Adrian College
Adrian College is your path to...
Adrian College offers coursework relevant to the real world, exceptional study abroad opportunities, and effective career preparation.
With small, interactive classes, our expert faculty will share their wealth of knowledge, focus on your personal goals & interests, and provide strong academic advising.
Be a leader on the playing field, in the classroom, or with numerous campus organizations. Many of our students are active volunteers in the community.
As a member of the MIAA, the nation's oldest athletic association, Adrian College has a history of academic & athletic All-Americans. Currently, we have 22 varsity teams and 5 club sports. Learn more at
Adrian College students have an enviable placement rate into desired careers and graduate school programs. While at Adrian you will develop confidence and experience personal growth in a small-college environment. And our liberal arts foundation contributes to your long-term marketability in the changing career world.
Adrian College offers coursework relevant to the real world, exceptional study abroad opportunities, and effective career preparation.
With small, interactive classes, our expert faculty will share their wealth of knowledge, focus on your personal goals & interests, and provide strong academic advising.
Be a leader on the playing field, in the classroom, or with numerous campus organizations. Many of our students are active volunteers in the community.
As a member of the MIAA, the nation's oldest athletic association, Adrian College has a history of academic & athletic All-Americans. Currently, we have 22 varsity teams and 5 club sports. Learn more at
Adrian College students have an enviable placement rate into desired careers and graduate school programs. While at Adrian you will develop confidence and experience personal growth in a small-college environment. And our liberal arts foundation contributes to your long-term marketability in the changing career world.
Agnes Scott College
Wednesday, March 07, 2012
Acclaimed Authors Speaking, Teaching at 41st Annual Writers’ Festival
Friday, March 02, 2012
Professor Receives Accolades for Debut Novel
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
ASC Achieves Silver in National Sustainability Program
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
Agnes Scott Again Named a Best Value
Friday, February 24, 2012
Lilly Ledbetter to Speak at ASC
Monday, January 30, 2012
ASC to Host Softball Tournament in Honor of Lauren Giddings
Friday, January 20, 2012
Faith and Learning Lecture: Agreeing to Disagree
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
Liberal Arts the Topic of This Year’s Founder’s Day Convocation
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
Highly-Skilled Immigrants Create Jobs for Americans, According to Study
Monday, December 19, 2011
Record Number of Entries for Writers’ Festival Contest
Tuesday, December 06, 2011
Amber Dermont Awarded NEA Literature Fellowship
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Grant Bolsters Undergrad Research Outside the Lab
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
Author John Green to Speak at Agnes Scott
Friday, November 18, 2011
Agnes Scott Now Diverts 73% of Waste from Landfills
Monday, October 31, 2011
Kiplinger Again Ranks ASC a Best Value Private College
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Author of The Phantom Tollbooth to Speak at Agnes Scott
Friday, October 21, 2011
ASC One of Handful of Liberal Arts Colleges to Offer Undergrad Public Health Major
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Agnes Scott Joins Launch of $1 Billion Green Challenge
Tuesday, November 08, 2011
Waqas Khwaja to Discuss Contributions of Sir William Jones
Monday, November 07, 2011
Ethics Lecture: Assisting the Poor in Non-Poor Countries
Friday, October 07, 2011
Olympic Medalist Joins ASC as Head Basketball Coach
Friday, September 30, 2011
Agnes Scott Receives Record Number of Fall Applications
Thursday, September 22, 2011
ASC Partners to Pilot Green Home Renovation Program
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
U.S. News Again Ranks Agnes Scott a Great School at a Great Price
Thursday, September 08, 2011
Student Chosen as One of Glamour’s “Top 10 College Women”
Acclaimed Authors Speaking, Teaching at 41st Annual Writers’ Festival
Friday, March 02, 2012
Professor Receives Accolades for Debut Novel
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
ASC Achieves Silver in National Sustainability Program
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
Agnes Scott Again Named a Best Value
Friday, February 24, 2012
Lilly Ledbetter to Speak at ASC
Monday, January 30, 2012
ASC to Host Softball Tournament in Honor of Lauren Giddings
Friday, January 20, 2012
Faith and Learning Lecture: Agreeing to Disagree
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
Liberal Arts the Topic of This Year’s Founder’s Day Convocation
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
Highly-Skilled Immigrants Create Jobs for Americans, According to Study
Monday, December 19, 2011
Record Number of Entries for Writers’ Festival Contest
Tuesday, December 06, 2011
Amber Dermont Awarded NEA Literature Fellowship
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Grant Bolsters Undergrad Research Outside the Lab
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
Author John Green to Speak at Agnes Scott
Friday, November 18, 2011
Agnes Scott Now Diverts 73% of Waste from Landfills
Monday, October 31, 2011
Kiplinger Again Ranks ASC a Best Value Private College
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Author of The Phantom Tollbooth to Speak at Agnes Scott
Friday, October 21, 2011
ASC One of Handful of Liberal Arts Colleges to Offer Undergrad Public Health Major
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Agnes Scott Joins Launch of $1 Billion Green Challenge
Tuesday, November 08, 2011
Waqas Khwaja to Discuss Contributions of Sir William Jones
Monday, November 07, 2011
Ethics Lecture: Assisting the Poor in Non-Poor Countries
Friday, October 07, 2011
Olympic Medalist Joins ASC as Head Basketball Coach
Friday, September 30, 2011
Agnes Scott Receives Record Number of Fall Applications
Thursday, September 22, 2011
ASC Partners to Pilot Green Home Renovation Program
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
U.S. News Again Ranks Agnes Scott a Great School at a Great Price
Thursday, September 08, 2011
Student Chosen as One of Glamour’s “Top 10 College Women”
AIB College of Business
Register now for AIB ‘Dance Mania’ for Special Olympics
You could be dancing – from noon to midnight – Saturday, May 5, at “Dancing Through the Decades” Dance Mania, a dance marathon sponsored by the Hospitality Travel Management Association (HTMA) at AIB College of Business. The event at AIB’s Activities Center, 2500 Fleur Drive, benefits Special Olympics Iowa.
Here’s what to do: Go to and create a page to register in advance. The registration fee is $30 per person, and teams of two are required to dance.
Then enlist sponsors to support your effort, and start planning what to wear – costumes will be judged, so come dressed in attire from your favorite decade. Prizes will be awarded for best costume and a variety of other categories – including top fundraiser.
Check-in starts at 11 a.m., with a rules briefing at 11:45 a.m. Dancing begins at noon, and a meal will be served at 6 p.m. for registered participants.
You could be dancing – from noon to midnight – Saturday, May 5, at “Dancing Through the Decades” Dance Mania, a dance marathon sponsored by the Hospitality Travel Management Association (HTMA) at AIB College of Business. The event at AIB’s Activities Center, 2500 Fleur Drive, benefits Special Olympics Iowa.
Here’s what to do: Go to and create a page to register in advance. The registration fee is $30 per person, and teams of two are required to dance.
Then enlist sponsors to support your effort, and start planning what to wear – costumes will be judged, so come dressed in attire from your favorite decade. Prizes will be awarded for best costume and a variety of other categories – including top fundraiser.
Check-in starts at 11 a.m., with a rules briefing at 11:45 a.m. Dancing begins at noon, and a meal will be served at 6 p.m. for registered participants.
Air Force Institute of Technology
About AFIT
The Air Force Institute of Technology, or AFIT, is the Air Force’s graduate school of engineering and management as well as its institution for technical professional continuing education. A component of Air University and Air Education and Training Command, AFIT is committed to providing defense-focused graduate and professional continuing education and research to sustain the technological supremacy of America’s air and space forces.
AFIT accomplishes this mission through three resident schools: the Graduate School of Engineering and Management, the School of Systems and Logistics, and the Civil Engineer and Services School. Through its Civilian Institution Programs, AFIT also manages the educational programs of officers enrolled in civilian universities, research centers, hospitals, and industrial organizations. Since resident degrees were first granted in 1956, more than 16,000 graduate and 350 doctor of philosophy degrees have been awarded. In addition, Air Force students attending civilian institutions have earned more than 12,000 undergraduate and graduate degrees in the past twenty years.
AFIT's Mission
Advance air, space, and cyberspace power for the Nation, its partners, and our armed forces by providing relevant defense-focused technical graduate and continuing education, research, and consultation
AFIT's Vision
Be the internationally recognized leader for defense-focused technical graduate and continuing education, research, and consultation
The Air Force Institute of Technology, or AFIT, is the Air Force’s graduate school of engineering and management as well as its institution for technical professional continuing education. A component of Air University and Air Education and Training Command, AFIT is committed to providing defense-focused graduate and professional continuing education and research to sustain the technological supremacy of America’s air and space forces.
AFIT accomplishes this mission through three resident schools: the Graduate School of Engineering and Management, the School of Systems and Logistics, and the Civil Engineer and Services School. Through its Civilian Institution Programs, AFIT also manages the educational programs of officers enrolled in civilian universities, research centers, hospitals, and industrial organizations. Since resident degrees were first granted in 1956, more than 16,000 graduate and 350 doctor of philosophy degrees have been awarded. In addition, Air Force students attending civilian institutions have earned more than 12,000 undergraduate and graduate degrees in the past twenty years.
AFIT's Mission
Advance air, space, and cyberspace power for the Nation, its partners, and our armed forces by providing relevant defense-focused technical graduate and continuing education, research, and consultation
AFIT's Vision
Be the internationally recognized leader for defense-focused technical graduate and continuing education, research, and consultation
Air Force Institute of Technology
Air University, headquartered at Maxwell Air Force Base, Ala., is a key component of Air Education and Training Command, and is the Air Force's center for professional military education.
Air University provides the full spectrum of Air Force education, from pre-commissioning to the highest levels of professional military education, including degree granting and professional continuing education for officers, enlisted and civilian personnel throughout their careers. AU's PME programs educate Airmen on the capabilities of air and space power and its role in national security. These programs focus on the knowledge and abilities needed to develop, employ, command, and support air, space and cyberspace power at the highest levels. Specialized professional continuing educational programs provide scientific, technological, managerial and other professional expertise to meet the needs of the Air Force. AU conducts research in air, space and cyberspace power, education, leadership and management. AU also provides citizenship programs and contributes to the development and testing of Air Force doctrine, concepts and strategy.
Personnel and Resources
Air University's primary operating locations are concentrated on three main installations. Most AU programs are at Maxwell AFB in northwest Montgomery, Ala.; some are across town at Maxwell's Gunter Annex; and one is located at Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio. Although AU draws students from throughout the Department of Defense and from the military forces of other nations, its mission is more easily described in terms of the two main groups it's primarily organized to serve: U.S. Air Force commissioned officers and enlisted members. For each Airman, educational opportunities begin before they enter active service and follow them throughout their careers.
The Wright Brothers established the first U.S. civilian flying school in Montgomery in 1910. By the 1920s, Montgomery became an important link in the growing system of aerial mail service. In the early 1930s the Army Air Corps Tactical School moved to Maxwell and Montgomery became the country's intellectual center for airpower education.
Air University, established in 1946, continues the proud tradition of educating tomorrow's planners and leaders, in air, space and cyberspace power for the Air Force, other branches of the U.S. armed forces, federal government civilians and international organizations. Today, Air University's reach spans not only the globe, but the careers of every Air Force member.
AETC Mission
Air Education and Training Command, with headquarters at Randolph Air Force Base near San Antonio, Texas, was established July 1, 1993, with the realignment of Air Training Command and Air University. AETC's role makes it the first command to touch the life of almost every Air Force member.
AETC's mission is to develop America's Airmen today... for tomorrow.
Air University provides the full spectrum of Air Force education, from pre-commissioning to the highest levels of professional military education, including degree granting and professional continuing education for officers, enlisted and civilian personnel throughout their careers. AU's PME programs educate Airmen on the capabilities of air and space power and its role in national security. These programs focus on the knowledge and abilities needed to develop, employ, command, and support air, space and cyberspace power at the highest levels. Specialized professional continuing educational programs provide scientific, technological, managerial and other professional expertise to meet the needs of the Air Force. AU conducts research in air, space and cyberspace power, education, leadership and management. AU also provides citizenship programs and contributes to the development and testing of Air Force doctrine, concepts and strategy.
Personnel and Resources
Air University's primary operating locations are concentrated on three main installations. Most AU programs are at Maxwell AFB in northwest Montgomery, Ala.; some are across town at Maxwell's Gunter Annex; and one is located at Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio. Although AU draws students from throughout the Department of Defense and from the military forces of other nations, its mission is more easily described in terms of the two main groups it's primarily organized to serve: U.S. Air Force commissioned officers and enlisted members. For each Airman, educational opportunities begin before they enter active service and follow them throughout their careers.
The Wright Brothers established the first U.S. civilian flying school in Montgomery in 1910. By the 1920s, Montgomery became an important link in the growing system of aerial mail service. In the early 1930s the Army Air Corps Tactical School moved to Maxwell and Montgomery became the country's intellectual center for airpower education.
Air University, established in 1946, continues the proud tradition of educating tomorrow's planners and leaders, in air, space and cyberspace power for the Air Force, other branches of the U.S. armed forces, federal government civilians and international organizations. Today, Air University's reach spans not only the globe, but the careers of every Air Force member.
AETC Mission
Air Education and Training Command, with headquarters at Randolph Air Force Base near San Antonio, Texas, was established July 1, 1993, with the realignment of Air Training Command and Air University. AETC's role makes it the first command to touch the life of almost every Air Force member.
AETC's mission is to develop America's Airmen today... for tomorrow.
Alabama A&M University
About AAMU
Alabama Agricultural and Mechanical University reflects the uniqueness of the traditional land-grant institution which combines professional, vocational and liberal arts pursuits. The University provides baccalaureate and graduate studies that are compatible with the times to all qualified, capable individuals who are interested in further developing their technical, professional, and scholastic skills and competencies. It operates in the three-fold function of teaching, research, and public service, including extension. A center of substance and excellence, Alabama A&M University provides a setting for the emergence of scholars, leaders, thinkers, and other contributors to society. Specifically, the University is committed to:
Excellence in education and a scholarly environment in which inquiring and discriminating minds may be nourished.
The education of students for effective participation in local, state, regional, national, and international societies.
The search for new knowledge through research and its applications.
The provision of a comprehensive outreach program designed to meet the changing needs of the larger community.
Programs necessary to adequately address the major needs and problems of capable students who have experienced limited access to education.
Integration of state-of-the-art technology into all aspects of University functions.
Alabama A&M University, in cooperation with businesses, industrial and governmental agencies, and other institutions, provides a laboratory where theory is put into practice in a productive environment.
Alabama Agricultural and Mechanical University reflects the uniqueness of the traditional land-grant institution which combines professional, vocational and liberal arts pursuits. The University provides baccalaureate and graduate studies that are compatible with the times to all qualified, capable individuals who are interested in further developing their technical, professional, and scholastic skills and competencies. It operates in the three-fold function of teaching, research, and public service, including extension. A center of substance and excellence, Alabama A&M University provides a setting for the emergence of scholars, leaders, thinkers, and other contributors to society. Specifically, the University is committed to:
Excellence in education and a scholarly environment in which inquiring and discriminating minds may be nourished.
The education of students for effective participation in local, state, regional, national, and international societies.
The search for new knowledge through research and its applications.
The provision of a comprehensive outreach program designed to meet the changing needs of the larger community.
Programs necessary to adequately address the major needs and problems of capable students who have experienced limited access to education.
Integration of state-of-the-art technology into all aspects of University functions.
Alabama A&M University, in cooperation with businesses, industrial and governmental agencies, and other institutions, provides a laboratory where theory is put into practice in a productive environment.
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